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September 2021 Nottingham Country News

September 2021 Nottingham Country News

September 04 2021

From The NCCIA Board Of Directors

Heads Up About Kids’ Safety

We have had several incidents recently that are prompting us to remind parents about safety for their children when they are out on their own in our neighborhood. Children should be mindful of strangers approaching them in vehicles and in person. They should be taught to be very cautious. If anything suspicious occurs, the children should make note of the details immediately so as to be of most use to our constables. Any incident should be reported to the constables immediately afterward. Please also have the constables’ number in your children’s phones.

The constables are always on patrol in our neighborhood and can respond very quickly to any situation. The Precinct 5 dispatch number is: 281-463-6666. This reminder is especially timely now, as many children ride or walk to school by themselves.

A Good Time Was Had By All

Hats off to the Nottingham Country Mom’s Group for putting on a fabulous July 4th parade for the kiddos in our neighborhood. More than 100 kids participated and the kids had an absolute blast. We are grateful to the mom’s group for taking the time to organize a wonderful event!

Interested In Joining The NCCIA Board?

The NCCIA Board of Directors is responsible for keeping our neighborhood looking great and handles myriad details about which the rest of us are oblivious. It really isn’t a large time commitment - one meeting per month plus the role you adopt. That could be anything from looking at financials to deed restriction oversight to managing Rennie Park. If you are interested in applying for a position on the Board, you must submit your name for the ballot by Oct. 1st. Board members are elected/re-elected at the Board meeting in December. More information will be sent out via an eblast soon.

Best Wishes To Kathryn O’Brien

We would like to offer our most gracious thanks and good wishes to former NCCIA Board member Kathryn O’Brien, who has moved from the neighborhood and is no longer on our Board. Kathryn was an excellent Board member and did a wonderful job of managing community events that brought many neighbors together. “Kathryn did a very good job indeed and we hate to see her go,” said Don Mach, NCCIA Board president. “We wish her and her family the best of luck in their future endeavors.”

Renting Rooms Is Not Allowed

NCCIA has been getting many calls about NC homeowners renting out rooms in their homes. This is strictly forbidden in our deed restrictions, which means you cannot rent a room in your house to people you know or list rooms on sites like Airbnb or Vrbo. All violators will receive cease and desist letters and will be sued if they do not comply with our deed restrictions.

An Update On Walworten House

We are pleased to report that an unlicensed group home has been addressed on Walworten. Harris County was able to close the facility down and only the owner of the home and her two children are allowed to live there at this point. The NCCIA Board wishes to commend Sgt. R. Felix for his excellent handling of the situation. ~ NCCIA Board of Directors

Other Nottingham News Security Report For June 2021

Alarms: 8
Animal humane: 2
Check Rennie Park: 12
Disturbance: 2
General information calls: 26
Incident follow-up calls: 18
Medical emergency calls: 2
Mental health calls: 2
Meet the citizen: 5
Neighborhood checks: 155
Reports: 8
Silver watches: 6
Stranded motorist: 1
Suspicious persons: 12
Suspicious vehicles: 5
Traffic stops: 52
Vacation watches: 20
Welfare checks: 5

Don’t forget that if you see suspicious activity, please notify our office so we can respond accordingly. The Precinct 5 dispatch number is 281-463-6666.  ~ Sgt. R. Felix, Precinct 5

There have been no foreclosures in the past year due to the pandemic.


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