NCCIA and Mason Creek MCUD to Host Heavy Trash/Free Computer Recycling in April
March 28 2024
The NCCIA and the Mason Creek MCUD will once again sponsor a Heavy Trash/Free Computer Recycling event on Saturday, April 20th from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. It will be located at the rear parking lot behind Nottingham Elementary School (it runs along Withington). All heavy trash items will be taken and unloaded with the exception of tires, used oil, paint that has not hardened and household chemicals.
This event is for homeowners and residents of Nottingham Country, Sections 1-9. NCCIA has contracted with Hermes Amaya, owner of Custom Scapes, to pick up trash from NC homeowners that are unable to take their heavy trash to the unloading site. This service is reserved for those who do not have the means to do it themselves.
To sign up for the pick-up service, please email Telee at Thoracefield@chaparrelmanagement.com and info@nottinghamcountry.org.
The pick-up service is limited to the first 25 homeowners who email our HOA manager, Telee. Please provide your name and address and Telee will confirm that you are on the list.
If you are using the pick-up service, your trash must be at the curb in front of your home no later than 8 a.m. on that Saturday morning. Pickup personnel will not go into homes or garages to get the trash. The following items will be accepted as part of computer recycling: desktop computers, servers, laptops, networking hardware, cell phones, chargers and cords. Please note that CRT monitors and TVs will not be accepted.
This would be an excellent time to get rid of some dead foliage along with cleaning out your home, garage or backyards. The next heavy trash day will most likely be in October of 2024.
Thank you,
NCCIA Board of Directors