March News From Your HOA
We have a Yahoo Group for Villages of Cypress Lakes Neighborhoods. Everyone is invited to join. Great way for us to all stay informed on day-to-day activities in our neighborhood. Feel free to post concerns, garage sales, things for sale, things you are looking to purchase & more at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/villagesofcypresslakes/.
If you have any questions or need help signing up feel free to email Kim@PrettyPinkLimos.com.
This is a beautiful community. In helping to keep it that way, it would be great to remind people that they should clean up after their pets.
It is great for people to have pets and love their pets, but being a good neighbor is also important. We can't tell you how bad it feels to put work and money into your yard so that you and your family can enjoy it and play in it... but then you find that other people have left disgusting feces on your yard - for you to find and clean up! It is simply not fair.
Please be courteous and clean up after your pets!
A lot survey is an architectural drawing of your property showing your home, easements and building lines. A copy usually comes with your closing papers.
- Please show on the survey in a distinguishable color, other than black ink, the location of your project.
- Faxed pictures come across as a solid black picture, so please mail or email pictures. Faxed pictures cannot be used.
You will be notified by letter after the ACC committee has made a decision. They have at least 30 days to review and respond to your application.