Foreclosures and Safety Reports
We have one foreclosure to report: 20630 Prince Creek and it is owned by Wells Fargo Bank.
January 2022
Accident major: 1
Arson/fire (non-specific): 1
Alarms: 18
Animal humane/aggressive: 2
Civil process: 11
Check Rennie Park: 29
Criminal mischief: 1
Death (non-specific): 1
Disturbance: 6
Disturbance (family): 2
Fraud-related calls: 6
General information calls: 17
Incident follow-up calls: 3
Medical emergency calls: 1
Mental health calls: 2
Meet the citizen: 34
Neighborhood checks: 284
Reports: 15
Stranded Motorist: 2
Suspicious Persons: 6
Suspicious vehicles/abandoned/traffic hazard: 13
Thefts: 3
Traffic stops: 39
Vacation watches: 15
Welfare checks: 6
February 2022
911 Calls: 1
Accident Minor: 1
Alarms: 10
Arrest: 1
Burglary of Habitation: 1
Burglary Motor Vehicle: 1
Civil Process: 1
Check Rennie Park: 28
Computer Crimes: 1
Criminal Mischief: 1
Death (Non-specific): 1
Disturbance/Loud noise/Other:5
Disturbance Family: 5
Drug Calls: 2
Fraud related calls: 4
General Information Calls: 11
Incident Follow Up Calls: 8
Medical Emergency Calls: 2
Mental Health Calls: 2
Meet the Citizen: 51
Neighborhood Checks: 285
Natural Death: 1
Reports: 10
Silver Watches: 16
Suspicious Persons: 7
Suspicious Vehicles/Abandoned: 19
Terroristic Threat: 1
Thefts: 2
Traffic Stops: 34
Traffic Hazards: 3
Vacation Watches: 12
Welfare Checks: 15
Don’t forget that if you see suspicious activity, please notify our office so we can respond accordingly. The Precinct 5 dispatch number is 281-463-6666.
Sgt. R. Felix, Precinct 5