From Yards to Streams: Preventing Stormwater Contamination
A cleaner environment starts at home! Be an environmental steward by responsibly managing waste, practicing smart lawn care, and using pesticides cautiously. Protect local ecosystems and waterways for a healthier community.
Protecting our waterways
Harmful chemicals from improper pesticide and herbicide used can harm local waterways. These pollutants can disrupt the natural ecosystem and affect recreational activities in the area.
Scoop the poop, save our streams
Properly, clean up after your pet and use designated receptacles for waste. This prevents contamination of our waterways, keeping our communities cleaner and safer.
Keep it clean: preventing trash from reaching storm drains
Trash and litter in residential areas can easily wash into storm drains during rain, polluting our waterways and harming wildlife. Discover, simple steps you can take to reduce litter and keep our communities cleaner and greener.
Leaves, grass, and stormwater protection
Each year, tons of leaves and grass clippings end up in storm drains, opposing a threat to our waterways. As yard waste decomposes, it releases nutrients that promote the growth of harmful algae and aquatic weeds, disrupting the balance of our ecosystems.
The hidden dangers in animal waste
Animal waste contains two main types of pollutants at harm local waters: nutrients and pathogens. When this waste ends up in water bodies, it decomposes, releasing nutrients that causes excessive growth of algae and weeds.
For more resources and information, visit cleanbayous.org. Thank you for doing your part to keep our waterways clean and safe!