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Cy-Hope Expands Ambassadors of Compassion Program to More Schools

Cy-Hope Expands Ambassadors of Compassion Program to More Schools

September 05 2023

As the new school year starts, Cy-Hope Mentoring (Ambassadors of Compassion) starts back up recruiting and training the Team Coaches who will provide youth the opportunity to personally examine and experience life-ready principles in a small group discussion setting with other youth at five different Cy-Fair ISD schools this year.

Many students in Cy-Fair and Waller face life challenges and need extra support to face those head on and stay in school. Cy-Hope Mentoring (AOC) provides these students with a Team Coach and group of peers to work through different life principles. This program also gives these students and opportunity to serve in the community and find meaning in helping others.

Ambassadors of Compassion volunteer spending time with AOC student participants. (Source: Cy-Hope)

This year, Cy-Hope will continue their partnership with schools that hosted the program last year while expanding mentoring to more Cy-Fair and Waller schools. Cy-Hope also plans to train mentors seeking to take the program to other districts in the greater Houston area! Now more than ever, students need positive, caring adults in their lives to listen and encourage them on their middle- and high-school journeys. 

Cy-Hope is currently seeking volunteers who wish to serve this impactful initiative as a Mentor Coach. For more information, please send an email to Cy-Hope's Mentoring Program Director, Katie Kaisinger, to sign up for Mentoring Team Coach training. Want to help by making a contribution? Sponsor a student to go through the program by donating $60 to Cy-Hope and designate your contribution to AOC.

To learn more about the Ambassadors of Compassion program, please visit

Source: Cy-Hope

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