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Williamsburg Settlement Yard of the Month for May

Williamsburg Settlement Yard of the Month for May

May 02 2023

May Winner - Dan and Sharon Jefferson of 1506 Durfey Lane

Sharon moved into the Settlement in 1978 and Dan joined the household in 1985. They are both retired Schlumberger employees who are happy there is more time to enjoy the fruits of their combined 63 years working in the oilfield. Relaxing around their backyard pool has become a calming respite from outside stresses.
A few years ago, they added a winding flagstone path bordering the original bed along the front wall. The north end of the path is flanked by Formosa azaleas from Sharon’s ex mother-in-law’s yard. Since the Formosas are approaching 61 years old, Dan babies them through each freeze. Also in the yard is a Mexican palm to anchor the bed on the street side of the path. The island beds on each side of the yard include 45-year-old crepe myrtles, red tip photinia, Japanese boxwood and Asiatic jasmine ground cover.
Together, Dan and Sharon have selected encore azaleas, loropetalum and Aztec grass for contrast, seasonal color with red begonias in summer and red cyclamen in winter to match the red front doors as well as queen fern to soften the porch at the doors. One of the original pine trees began to lean so it was replaced by a shumard oak that is named Hermione. She has become the splendiferous grand dame of the yard! 
Congratulations to Dan and Sharon on receiving this well-deserved award!

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