What You Need to Know About the Katy ISD Bond 2023
Bond 2023- Growth, Safety, & Educational Excellence
When Katy ISD parents and residents head to the polls this November, they will find a community recommended schools bond package on the ballot.
Bond 2023 is divided into four propositions and addresses immediate districtwide capital needs, with over 1,200 campus and facility projects districtwide. Some of the projects include 4 new schools, major renovations and/or additions at 26 existing campuses, safety and security improvements, a districtwide 1:1 student device ratio for grades 3-12, and component replacements such as new chillers and school rooftops.
Q. Didn’t Katy ISD just pass a bond?
A. The community’s most recent schools bond was in 2021 (pushed back from 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic). Katy ISD is growing by at least 2,000 new students per year and our community has established an approximate 3-year bond cycle that allows our schools to keep up with that growth.

Election Information
Last Day to Register to Vote: Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Early Voting: Monday, October 23 - Friday, November 3, 2023
Election Day: Tuesday, November 7, 2023
More Information
www.votetexas.gov | www.katyisd.org/BOND2023
Source: Katy ISD