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Welcome to My Neighborhood News!

Welcome to My Neighborhood News!

April 18 2022

Welcome to the new and greatly improved way to receive timely information about our wonderful community as well as the neighborhood surrounding us. As you are reading this you are already on the My Neighborhood News (MNN) platform provided and managed (at no cost to you or the HOA) by the Krenek Printing Company, which has been providing us with our monthly newsletters for so many years. Keeping up with the technological changes in the information industry, it transitioned the newsletter format from the printed page to the electronic copy that we all are familiar with, and now to the current fully online format. This new format has many advantages including those listed on the flyer that you have received in a recent email introducing this transition. A major advantage is that updates can now be made daily as new information is received eliminating the long lead time that was needed to generate the layout of the previous newsletter formats.

For your convenience an MNN link has been added to the home page of our website. But to fully participate in this transition, if you haven’t already done so when you first visited the MNN site, please enter your email address so that you will become a subscriber to this valuable information resource for our community. Welcome aboard!

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