Towne Lake Summer Camps
June 06 2024
Don't forget to sign up for summer camp! Towne Lake is offering three exciting camps this summer. Don't miss out on the fun and activities planned!
- Progression Summer Camp: Led by certified teachers and coaches from CFISD, along with our dedicated staff.
- Who: K - 5th Grade
- Activities: A variety of educational and recreational pursuits, fostering friendships and lifelong memories
- Registration link: https://www.cognitoforms.com/.../TowneLakeSummerCampRegis...
- Gardening Summer Camp: Led by the owner of TexMex Gardner school gardens
- Who: K-5th grade
- Activities: Hands-on gardening experiences, from planting seeds to harvesting vegetables, along with engaging activities and outdoor fun. Kids will cultivate valuable skills and grow friendships that blossom like the flowers they tend.
- Registration link: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLScyjg8pEuRsdg.../viewform
- Coder Kids Camp: Led by coding instructors
- Who: K-8th Grade
- Activities: Master computer programming, level up gaming skills, and unleash imagination in digital arts. Unlock the ultimate summer adventure for your coder kid!
- Registration link: https://register.coderkids.com/events?hdlat=-95.707355...
Spaces are filling up fast, so sign up today and ensure your child has a summer full of fun!