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Hours: Monday 8 AM - 6 PM, Tuesday 8 AM - 8 PM, Wednesday 8 AM - 8 PM, Thursday 8 AM - 6 PM, Friday 9 AM - 5 PM, Saturday 10 AM-5 PM, Sunday CLOSED


Children’s Programs
Baby Bookworms 
Mondays, December 4, 11, 18 @ 9:30 AM 
Join other babies and parents/caregivers for weekly story time fun! Baby Bookworms uses age-appropriate stories, songs and finger plays, and playtime to engage babies and their parents/caregivers. This story time is geared towards newborns through just walking. For more information, call the library at 832-559-4235
Tiny Tots 
Mondays, December 4, 11, 18 @ 10:30 AM 
Join other babies and parents/caregivers for weekly story time fun! Tiny Tots uses age-appropriate stories, songs and finger plays, and playtime to engage babies and their parents/caregivers. This story time is geared towards walkers through 18 months. For more information, call the library at 832-559-4235
Toddler Time 
Tuesdays, December 5, 12, 19 @ 10:30 AM 
Join other toddlers and parents/caregivers for weekly story time fun! Toddler Time uses age-appropriate stories, songs and finger plays to engage toddlers and their parents/caregivers. This story time is geared towards toddlers ages 18 months through 3 years. Tickets are required and will be handed out at the Children's Desk starting 30 minutes prior. Participating children must have a ticket to attend Toddler Time. For more information, call the library at 832-559-4235
Toddler Time 
Wednesdays, December 6, 13, 20, 27 @ 9:30 AM 
Join other toddlers and parents/caregivers for weekly story time fun! Toddler Time uses age-appropriate stories, songs and finger plays to engage toddlers and their parents/caregivers. This story time is geared towards toddlers ages 18 months through 3 years. Tickets are required and will be handed out at the Children's Desk starting 30 minutes prior. Participating children must have a ticket to attend Toddler Time. For more information, call the library at 832-559-4235.
Preschool Story Time 
Wednesdays, December 6, 13, 20, 27 @ 10:30 AM 
Join other preschoolers and parents/caregivers for weekly story time fun! Preschool Story Time uses age-appropriate stories, songs and finger plays, and a take-home craft to engage preschoolers and their parents/caregivers. This story time is geared towards kids ages 3-5 years. Tickets are required and will be handed out at the Children's Desk starting 30 minutes prior. Participating children must have a ticket to attend Preschool Story Time. For more information, call the library at 832-559-4235
Preschool Story Time 
Thursdays, December 7, 14, 21, 28 @ 10:30 AM 
Join other preschoolers and parents/caregivers for weekly story time fun! Preschool Story Time uses age-appropriate stories, songs and finger plays, and a take-home craft to engage preschoolers and their parents/caregivers. This story time is geared towards kids ages 3-5 years. Tickets are required and will be handed out at the Children's Desk starting 30 minutes prior. Participating children must have a ticket to attend Preschool Story Time. For more information, call the library at 832-559-4235
Pokémon League 
Saturday, December 2 & 16 from 1:30-3:30 PM 
Love playing the Pokémon card game and discussing all things Pokémon with fellow fans? Join the Pokémon League every first and third Saturday, sponsored by the Magnolia City Pokémon Gym. Bring your favorite deck, play the card game with other fans, and talk all things strategy. This event is open to all ages and skill levels. For more information, call the library at 832-559-4200

Teen Programs

Homeschool Hangout 
Every Thursday of the month, from 10am – 12pm in the Teen Space (ages 12-18)
**Calling all Homeschool Teens (and parents)!** Want a space to mingle and meet new friends?! Come join our Homeschool Hangout group! The library provides free coffee to the parents who hangout outside of the Teen Space while the kids do their own thing enjoying everything our Teen Space has to offer. No registration required. Email for details. 
Teen MidMorning Hangout 
1st and 3rd Monday, Dec. 4th & 18th from 10:30am-11:30am in the Teen Space 
Take an early break and join us for video games, board games, and crafts! Email with any questions. 
Paper Peeps: English Tutoring 
Every 2nd Tuesday of the month, from 4pm-5pm in the Teen Space (ages 12-21)
We invite you to come hang for FREE TUTORING on those English papers, creative writing ideas, etc. No appointments necessary, first come first served policy. Email for more details. 
Teen Advisory Group (TAG) -- Virtual, Register Online! 
2nd Wednesday, December 13th from 4:30pm-5:30pm on Discord 
Want to help your library? Plan events? Have a great experience to put on your resume, get volunteer hours, and have tons of fun? Then come join us for this month’s meeting! Join us on Discord! Register online at to receive the invite link. Email with any questions. 
Crafties Club: Mason Jar Christmas Characters 
2nd Thursday of the month, from 4:30pm - 5:30pm in the Teen Space (ages 12-21)
Love to craft or just curious to find out? We've got all sorts of neato ideas to stoke those crafting vibes. Each month features something different! Supplies are provided. Email for details. 
Magic: The Gathering 
Saturday, December 2nd from 1:00pm – 2:00pm in the Community Engagement Area (ADULTS + TEENS + TWEENS, ages 12+)
KIDDOS, BRING YOUR PARENTS! Come play the ever so popular card game, Magic: The Gathering! Beginner, intermediate, and advanced players are welcome to come hang. We provide beginner decks if you don’t have your own, but all are encouraged to bring whatever MTG items you wish as well. Enter our prize raffle to win a booster deck and enjoy the snacks always provided. Email for more details. 
Teen Saturday Free Space 
Saturday, Dec. 2nd & 9th from 2:00pm-4:00pm in the Teen Space 
Join us on Saturdays what? To do whatever you want! This is a low-stress hangout with video games, a ton of craft supplies, and tech from our Innovation Lab (when available), so come hang out with us! Email with any questions.
Teen Christmas Party 
Saturday, Dec. 16 from 2:30pm-4:30pm in the Teen Space (ages 12-21)
**CALLING ALL TEENS!!!!!**Come get in the holiday spirit as we celebrate the season together; whether you celebrate Christmas, Hannukkah, or Kwanzaa, this party is for you! Spend the afternoon enjoying some food and refreshments, creating crafts, playing games, listening to festive tunes, & more! Dressing up is optional but not mandatory. Those who do wish to participate (via costumes, ugly sweaters, or whatever holiday theme you come up with) will be entered into a raffle for prizes! 

Adult Programs

Visit with Santa! 
Creekside Library: Wednesday, December 6th from 6 pm - 7:30 pm 
Tomball Library: Saturday, December 9th from 11 am - 1 pm 
Santa will be stopping by LSC-Creekside on Wednesday, December 6th from 6pm-7:30pm and LSC-Tomball on Saturday, December 9th from 11 am - 1 pm. Come and visit! 
Soldiers Supplies Donations 
All month long, 1st floor elevators 
We will be collecting donations all month long to be sent to Boots for Troops, a local non-profit that mails care packages to troops deployed across the globe. Items needed for donation include dry snacks, toiletries, books, candy, ground coffee, letters of encouragement, etc. Donations can be dropped off at the library’s 1st floor elevators in the donation box. Recommended Donations can be found here:
Tech Help Hour 
Mondays, 10 –11 AM In the Innovation Lab, 2nd Floor 
Have questions about using technology? Need personal help navigating your device or setting up Libby on your phone? Use our Tech Help Hour to find answers! Each week one of our technology enthusiasts will be available to spend time with you working on your specific tech question. Registration is recommended. Walk-ins are welcome and will be assisted on a first-come, first-served basis as time permits. Email for help registering or more information. Register here: 

Please note that computer repair or diagnosis is not available. 
Virtual ESL and Citizenship Class with Susan
ESL Mondays December 4, 11, 18 from 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM 
ESL Tuesdays December 5, 12, 19 from 3 PM – 4 PM 
Citizenship Fridays, December 1, 8, 15 from 10:30 AM -11:30 AM 
This class meets virtually using Google Meet. We practice speaking, reading, and writing in English. Please send an email to to receive the link to join this class. 
Young at heART: Watercolor Group 
Tuesdays from 10 AM - 12 PM in the Children’s Activity Room 
Watercolor for “Young at heART” adults meet every Tuesday morning to enjoy watercolor painting while commiserating with fellow artists! This friendly and social group is open to all adults and to all levels of art experience, including those who have never painted with watercolor at all. Join in for a morning of beautiful art and fun conversation! For more information, call the library at 832-559-4200
Sit and Stitch 
Thursdays from 9 AM – 12 PM in the Meeting Room 
Do you enjoy cross stitch, needlepoint, knitting, crocheting, or any other needle arts? Then you should join our Sit and Stitch Group on Thursday mornings! Bring your projects to work on and visit with this awesome group! 
Fridays from 1 PM – 3 PM in the Community Engagement Area 
Join us every Friday in the Community Engagement Area from 1PM-3PM to play Mahjong! Beginners and advanced players are welcome! Everyone is welcome to attend this program. Contact for more information. 
Scribe Tribe Write-In 
1st Saturday of the month from 10 AM - 12 PM in the Conference Room upstairs 
Join us for a Scribe Tribe Write-in and hang out with other writers while working on your word count! Bring your laptop or notebook and we’ll provide the coffee! Register online here & email for more details. 
Happily Ever Crafter 
2nd Fridays from 2 PM - 3 PM in the Conference Room 
Calling all crafters! Show your creative side and join us every 2nd Friday of the month at 2pm in the Conference Room as we get our crafting on! Register and view upcoming crafts here: Events | Harris County Public Library | BiblioCommons 
Tomball Postcard Club 
3rd Saturdays from 1 PM - 3 PM in the Conference Room 
Do you love collecting postcards? Join us on the 3rd Saturday of the month to meet other local postcard enthusiasts! 
Lunch and Learn Genealogy 
Fridays, December 1 & 8 from 12 PM - 1 PM in the Conference Room 
Bring your lunch to enjoy while watching various genealogy how-to webinars. The topic will be decided by participants. Email for more info. 
Artist Meet & Greet: Dana Daigle 
Saturday, December 2 from 11 AM – 12 PM in the Community Engagement Area 
Meet local artist Dana Daigle and learn about her art, her technique, and inspiration! Her art will be on view in the CEA and in Meeting Room L129. Email with questions. 
Magic: The Gathering 
Saturday, December 2nd from 1:00pm – 2:00pm in the Community Engagement Area (ADULTS + TEENS + TWEENS, ages 12+) 
KIDDOS, BRING YOUR PARENTS! Come play the ever so popular card game, Magic: The Gathering! Beginner, intermediate, and advanced players are welcome to come hang. We provide beginner decks if you don’t have your own, but all are encouraged to bring whatever MTG items you wish as well. Enter our prize raffle to win a booster deck and enjoy the snacks always provided. Email for more details. 
Adult & Teen Art Lab 
Tuesday, December 5 & 12, from 12 PM – 1 PM in the Community Engagement Area 
Learn new art skills and grow as an artist! Open to adults and teens ages 12 and up. We meet from 12pm-1pm in the Community Engagement Area. Contact with questions. 
Digitization Station Equipment Orientation 
Saturday, December 9 from 10 AM – 12 PM 
Wednesday, December 13 from 10 AM – 12 PM 
This orientation session will introduce participants to the basics of converting their media to digital using the equipment in the Digitization Station at the LSC - Tomball Community Library. Attendance at this orientation is required for participants to then schedule future time using the equipment. Register here: Events | Harris County Public Library | BiblioCommons. Email for more information. 
AARP Digital Skills Ready@50+: Exploring and Downloading Apps 
Tuesday, December 12th from 3 PM – 4:15 PM in the Innovation Lab or online 
There?s an app for that! Come learn how to search for and download apps. During this hands-on workshop, you'll learn how to search for and download apps to your smartphone. Whether you have an iPhone or an Android phone, we'll explore both app stores and cover some helpful considerations for choosing apps. You'll also learn how to uninstall apps and how to adjust some important app settings. Register here: 
50+ Bus Trip
Thursday, December 14 from 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM 
For this month’s 50+ Shop Hop Bus Trip, we will leave the library at 9:30am to Stop #1: Old Town Spring. You are free to explore historic sites, shop over 100 family-owned storefronts and artisan shops, have lunch on your own from 20 choices, and then we'll be off to Stop #2, the Antique Gallery Houston and return to the library around 4:30pm. Register here: 
December 16 from 10 AM - 12 PM 
Rootsquad genealogy group meets on the 3rd Tuesday from 10am-12pm. Stay up-to-date on current family history industry news, hear research tips, learn from genealogy webinars and expert speakers, and share ways to improve research techniques. We 
also tell stories, share heirlooms and in general, enjoy talking about anything genealogy related together. Email for more information. 
Sidequest Saturday 
Saturday, December 16 from 1 PM - 4:30 PM in the Community Engagement Area. 
Gather with your fellow gamers to enjoy a tabletop RPG or board game. Games and snacks provided, but feel free to bring your own! All ages welcome. For general questions or if you are interested in DMing, contact
Toys for Tots 
November 20th-Dec 15th, 1st floor donation boxes 
Give the gift of generosity this year by providing donated toys to families in need in our community! Donations must be new, unopened, unwrapped toys suitable for newborns to teenagers and can be dropped off at the Toys for Tots donation boxes by the 1st floor elevators in the library. We cannot accept food, liquids, or toy guns. 

Book Clubs

Afternoon Book Club 
2nd Tuesdays from 2 PM - 3 PM in the Conference Room 
The Afternoon Book Club meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month in the Conference Room to discuss a wide array of literary fiction that makes for a great discussion. Books are subject to change depending on availability. View upcoming dates and books here: 
Inspirational Book Club 
2nd Thursdays from 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM in the Conference Room 
This group has lively discussions about Inspirational Fiction Books. We meet in the Conference Room. Email for more information. 
Mystery Book Club 
4th Thursdays from 1 PM - 3 PM in the Conference Room 
Please join us in the Conference Room as we discuss the latest mysteries and thrillers! Email for more information.

NOTE: Registration for all programs is free - go to and click on the orange square that says “Events,” or call us at 832-559-4200.

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