Spring Garage Sale - March 18th
February 01 2023
March 18th
7 am - 12 pm
Community Wide
Get ready to start your Spring-cleaning! Rain or shine, our community wide garage sale will be at 7am on March 18th. You won’t have to haul your items far; the garage sale will take place in YOUR OWN garage. To help increase traffic to your home, we suggest placing signs at the end of your street. Please remember to pick them up at the conclusion of the garage sale hours. If you would like to participate, please complete the google form at https://forms.gle/ohsynTzVV5eRv2NL9. We will create a map of all participating homes that can be found at http://www.maphub.net/westheimerlakes/garagesale ONLY the day of the sale. No additions will be added after Friday, March 17th.
We will also host a community shredding event from 1 pm to 3 pm after the Spring Garage Sale. The Shred Truck will be located at the Splash Pad location.