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REMINDER: Annual Meeting Scheduled for November 8

REMINDER: Annual Meeting Scheduled for November 8

November 03 2023

You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting of the Members of the Lakes at Northpointe Homeowners Association, Inc. (“Association”) scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 8, 2023, at Fairwood NW MUD #5, located at 14701 Spring Cypress, Cypress, Texas 77429.

There are three (3) positions on the Association’s Board of Directors up for election in the 2023 election. Please note that the only methods of voting in the 2023 election will be by absentee ballot and electronic voting. There will be no in-person voting at the Annual Meeting.

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1) Electronic Voting (Conducted through third-party vendor)
  • Each owner with an email on file with the Association will receive an email invitation to vote from the third-party vendor. This email will contain your unique voter Registration Code. If you have registered your email address but have not received an email, make sure to check your junk mail/spam folder.
  • In order to vote by online electronic voting, go to the following link: 
  • Once at the link, enter your Registration Code where indicated and cast your vote; or If you did not receive an email or do not have a Registration Code, go to the link above, click on the “Contact Us” button, provide the requested information, and click “Send Message.” Community manager Sarah Shaw will then confirm that you are an owner and contact you with your Registration Code. We strongly suggest that you register as soon as possible to ensure that you can place your vote.
  • Please note that, if you vote by electronic voting, your electronic ballot will control over any absentee ballot received by the Association. You must cast your electronic vote on or before 5:00 pm. on November 6, 2023.
2) Absentee Ballot Voting
  • Do not submit an absentee ballot if you are voting by online electronic voting. You must return your ballot per the instructions below to have your vote counted. Do not give your ballot to anyone to return for you. You cannot assign your right to sign the absentee ballot to any other person.
  • In order to vote by absentee ballot, please return the enclosed completed and signed absentee ballot so that it is physically received by the Association on or before 5:00 p.m. on November 6, 2023, by:
    • Email to: Community Manager Sarah Shaw at; or
    • U.S Mail/Deliver to: Lakes at Northpointe Homeowners Association, Inc., Attn: Sarah Shaw, 6630 Cypresswood Dr., #100, Spring, TX 77379

Ballots received after 5:00 p.m. on November 6, 2023, will not be counted. 

get absentee ballot here

There will be no in-person or live voting at the 2023 Annual Meeting. Nominations from the floor will not be taken at the Annual Meeting. The results of the voting will be announced at the Annual Meeting. The newly elected Board members will take their positions on the Board at the end of the Annual Meeting.

The agenda for the Annual Meeting will be as follows:
  1. Call to Order at 6:30 p.m.
  2. Introductions
  3. Approval of 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes
  4. Board Report
  5. Financial Report
  6. Announcement of Names of Vote Tabulators
  7. Announcement of Election Results [One (1) position for a three (3) year term; one (1) position for a two (2) year term, one (1) position for a one (1) year term. The persons getting the most votes will serve the longer terms]
  8. Homeowner Forum
  9. Adjournment
The Association needs two volunteers who are not running for the Board or related to anyone running for the Board to count votes. If you would like to volunteer to count votes, please contact Sarah Shaw. You must be able to come to the Chaparral Management at 6630 Cypresswood Dr., #100, Spring, TX 77379 on November 7, 2023, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to count the votes. If there are no volunteers, the votes will be counted by employees of Chaparral Management. The names of the vote tabulators will be announced at the 2023 Annual Meeting. Please be advised that, per state law, you are disqualified from serving as a vote tabulator if you are related to a candidate for election within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity.

Per Texas Property Code Section 209.00594(b-1), a person who tabulates votes may not disclose to any other person how an individual voted.

If you have a question for the Annual Meeting, please submit your question by November 7, 2023, 2023, by email to Sarah Shaw at or by mail/delivery to Chaparral Management Attn: Sarah Shaw, 6630 Cypresswood Dr., #100, Spring, TX 77379. Time permitting, the Board will take live questions in the Homeowner Forum section of the meeting.

If you have not registered your email with the Association, you are encouraged to do so at this time by contacting Community Manager Sarah Shaw.

Questions about the Annual Meeting: Contact Community Manager Sarah Shaw at 281-537-0957 or by email at

We hope to see you at the Annual Meeting!

Thank you,

Board of Directors
Lakes at Northpointe Homeowners Association, Inc.

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