Need Help?
September 22 2023
It can be very frustrating being told that you need to repair something around your house and not be able to afford it. There are private nonprofit organizations that can assist. Here are just a couple of them. Please contact them if you need assistance with home repairs.
Harris County Community Services Department
This initiative aims to provide financial assistance to low and moderate-income elderly, and/or disabled homeowners for the purpose of providing decent, safe, and sanitary housing conditions, as well as improving quality of life. For more information, please visit csd.harriscountytx.gov/Pages/HomeRepairProgram.aspx.
Habitat for Humanity - Northwest Harris County
Habitat for Humanity offers home repair services to homeowners so they can continue to live in safe, decent homes for years to come. Some of their home repair work includes painting, landscaping, weatherization and minor repair services to preserve home exteriors and revitalize neighborhoods. Visit their website at habitatnwhc.org/what-we-do/home-repair to learn more. Their local office is at 13350 Jones Road and their phone is 281-477-0460.
Raising Men and Women
This is a private non profit that proves lawn services for people who are elderly, people with disabilities and single parents. They are based in Alabama but if you contact them they will refer you to volunteers in our area. For more information, please visit weareraisingmen.com.