Katy ISD Seeks Applicants for Community Bond Advisory Committee
Katy ISD is preparing for its rapid enrollment influx by establishing a Community Bond Advisory Committee (CBAC) to explore current and future student and school needs. The 150-member committee comprised of parents, business partners, senior citizens, staff, and other community members, will determine if a November 2023 schools bond package is needed. The application to serve on the CBAC is open until February 15 and was emailed to addresses community members have on file with the District.
“It has always been our school-community’s priority to work together to find solutions to effectively meet the evolving needs of our students,” said Dr. Ken Gregorski, Katy ISD Superintendent. “This committee will play an integral role in ensuring Katy ISD students continue to have access to unparalleled learning experiences, programs and resources,” added Gregorski.
In addition to examining growth trends throughout the Katy area, the CBAC will identify capital projects, renovation needs at older Katy ISD campuses, as well as technology and safety needs across the district’s 76 campuses.
During the committee process, members will be presented with District budget and demographics data, long-range facility plans, life-cycle replacement schedules for campuses, and short-term technology and safety plans. Should the committee determine a need for a bond, they will have the option to recommend a November 2023 bond package for the Board’s consideration.
More information about the CBAC can be found on the Katy ISD CBAC webpage.