Katy ISD Equips Every Student in Grades 3-12 with a Chromebook Through New CLASS 1:1 Program This Fall
New this school year, Katy ISD will launch its CLASS 1:1 Student to Device Implementation, equipping each student in grades 3-12 with a Chromebook for school and home use.
This implementation will ensure that students have access to the District’s digital resources, and was approved by voters with passage of the 2023 Katy ISD Bond.
“We are excited about equipping every third through 12th grade student with their own device through the CLASS 1:1 program,” said Dr. Sanée Bell, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning in Katy ISD. “This means consistent access to learning tools and resources, maximizing valuable classroom time. The CLASS 1:1 initiative will enhance teaching and personalized learning experiences, empowering students to reach their full potential.”
Each campus will have its own distribution plan for Chromebooks and families are encouraged to contact their student’s school directly with questions.
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All students issued a Chromebook will also be enrolled in a Canvas course where they can learn more about how to care for their device. Among the best practices, students are encouraged to keep their Chromebooks closed when not in use and to charge them overnight.
Families may also purchase insurance for their student’s device through PowerSchool. The cost is $20 per student device per school year and covers the cost of two repairs or one replacement device. Lost chargers and broken Chromebook cases are not covered by insurance.
Families may contact the District’s Family Technology Resources and Support line for help with their device or other technology needs. Visit the CLASS 1:1 webpage for more information and video tutorials on how to use the device.
Source: Katy ISD