Katy ISD Board of Trustees Discuss Attendance Boundary Modifications for Several Elementary Schools
Tonight during the Katy ISD Board of Trustees monthly meeting, Chief Operations Officer Ted Vierling, along with Population and Survey Analysts (PASA) proposed attendance boundary modifications (ABM) for two of the District’s future elementary schools, Elementary Schools #45 and #46, as well as areas served by Bethke, Campbell, Golbow, Hutsell, Leonard, McElwain and McRoberts elementary schools. The proposal would address the rapid growth within the neighborhoods surrounding those campuses. The feedback of parents impacted by the ABM proposal will be solicited, during the week of July 25 through October 7, via an ABM survey.
“Katy ISD is a fast growth school district that is projected to serve over 100,000 students by 2028,” said Ted Vierling, Chief Operations Officer at Katy ISD. “Periodic boundary modifications ensure efficient campus usage and helps balance enrollment across our campuses,” added Vierling.
Elementary #45 and #46 are scheduled to open in the fall of 2023 and are currently under construction through the 2021 voter-approved bond program. Both schools will be located in the northwest quadrant of Katy ISD, with Elementary #45 located at 25600 Longenbaugh Road and Elementary #46 located at 25615 Clay Road.
The preliminary results of the survey will be presented to the Katy ISD Board of Trustees in September 2022. A final ABM discussion and action are anticipated during the October 2022 Board meeting. For current and recommended ABM maps, visit the Katy ISD ABM website.