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Jump Start Your Fall Edible Garden at Annual Fall Vegetable and Herb Plant Sale on Oct. 7

Jump Start Your Fall Edible Garden at Annual Fall Vegetable and Herb Plant Sale on Oct. 7

September 03 2023

With cooler temperatures slowly rolling in as we usher in the fall season, it's the perfect time to pull out your gardening gloves and make plans for a bountiful fall vegetable and herb garden. If you are leery about propagating your own plants, or simply want the convenience of cultivating your own garden with starter plants, the Fort Bend County Master Gardeners have you covered.

On Saturday, October 7, come out to the Bud O'Shieles Community Center in Rosenberg to browse dozens of vegetable and herb plants to get your fall garden started at the Fort Bend County Master Gardeners' Annual Fall Vegetable & Herb Plant Sale. All of the vegetable and herb plants available for sale are recommended for Fort Bend County by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, and were grown with loving care by Fort Bend County Master Gardeners in the FBCMG greenhouse. Sale proceeds are earmarked for the nonprofit Fort Bend County Master Gardeners, Inc., whose goal is to provide research-backed horticulture advice to residents of Fort Bend County in support of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.

From 9:00 AM until noon, or until sold out, select from seasonally and regionally appropriate vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, collards, mustard, pak choi, spinach, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce and Swiss chard. New to this year's sale will be Green Magic broccoli, a Texas Superstar plant. Texas SuperStars are highly recommended by Texas A&M AgriLife since they have been tested and selected for their super star performance in the Texas landscape. Learn more about this special variety here.
Freshly harvested Swiss chard
Add fresh flavor to your home cooked meals while saving money on your grocery bill with herbs grown in your every own garden. Herb plants at the sale will include chamomile, cilantro, dill, marjoram, Mexican mint marigold, oregano, parsley, sage, salad burnet and thyme. Imagine using fresh thyme from your own garden in your Thanksgiving turkey, or sharing cilantro with your neighbors to make a fresh, homemade pico de Gallo. Delicious!
Fresh cilantro ready to add a burst of flavor to homemade pico de Gallo

If you have not planted a fall vegetable garden before, be sure to check out this comprehensive fall vegetable gardening guide composed by Larry Stein and Joe Masabni with the Texas AgriLife Extension Service. Note that Fort Bend County is located in Texas Gardening Zone 3.

 fall vegetable gardening guide

Are you more of a hands-on learner? At the sale, Master Gardeners will be present to answer your questions about how to plant, nurture, and harvest your purchases. If you have been contemplating your own edible garden at home, the Fort Bend County Master Gardener's Fall Vegetable & Herb Plant Sale provides the perfect opportunity to take the leap. After you plant your vegetables and herbs, your local Master Gardeners are just an email or a phone call away to help with any additional questions or concerns you have about your garden. To learn more about how to connect with the Fort Bend County Master Gardeners, and for a wealth of additional resources about all things related to gardening, please visit their website at Happy gardening! 

By Tiffany Krenek, My Neighborhood News 
Tiffany Krenek has been on the My Neighborhood News team since August 2021. She is passionate about curating and sharing content that enriches the lives of our readers in a personal, meaningful way. A loving mother and wife, Tiffany and her family live in the West Houston/Cypress region.


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