January News from Your HOA
Grayson Lakes Community Pool
The Grayson Lakes Community pool will reopen March 1, 2022.
Board Meetings Open to All
Meetings of the Grayson Lakes Board of Directors are held the third Wednesday of every month except September. The meetings are held in the Grayson Lakes Clubhouse and start at 6:30 PM.
Residents wishing to observe need only show up. Residents wishing to speak are asked to inform the Management Company at Karen@Crest-Management.com requesting to be placed on the agenda. Please do this no later than 8 days before the meeting since agendas are prepared a week in advance. If you will indicate the nature of your business beforehand, it will give the Management Company and your Board a chance to prepare for questions that might come up. Please be advised, it is your Board’s practice to limit initial comments from residents to 5 minutes, so plan accordingly.
Tune In and Stay Connected
Architectural Review Committee (ARC) meetings are held the 2nd Thursday each month 6:30 PM at the Clubhouse.
Board of Directors meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM at the Clubhouse.
Visit graysonlakesliving.com for ARC Modification forms and the calendar of events.
Volunteers Needed
In this email, we are providing the updated approved Committee charters, with a description of each and the link to a web form where you can choose which committees you are most interested in volunteering for.
Please take a moment to review the committees available, and select which you would be interested in serving. The Board will send notifications by December 15th of the newly created committees and their members - with responsibilities beginning January 1st, 2022.
We will endeavor to place everyone on the committee of their choice. If you select more than one committee - you may place your first, or priority requests in the text box on the form.