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Fort Bend County Women's Center Remains Hard at Work During DVAM

Fort Bend County Women's Center Remains Hard at Work During DVAM

October 17 2022

For the Fort Bend County Women's Center, every month is domestic violence awareness month. But in October, they join with the national Domestic Violence agencies to promote awareness with a unique theme. This year, they are joining the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) in promoting #Every1KnowsSome1.

Here is a glimpse of the activities they are hosting to support their theme:

  • Giving clients DVAM lapel pins and bracelets
  • Hosting a DV awareness booth at their annual Trunk or Treat event this month
  • The youth team is doing two different activities with children on healthy friendships (2-4-year-olds and 5 and up).
  • DV Awareness "Taking Back My Power" painting activity hosted by the Life and Wellness Team with adults at their emergency shelter and non-resident center
  • The Resale stores have posters and displays to bring awareness
  • Shoppers are invited to “Round Up” their purchase to donate to end DV
  • Staff will have buttons to wear with the DVAM theme
  • Outreach speaking engagements in the community this month including speaking with 6th graders at Sartasha Middle School, Moms Demand Action and other community groups.
  • Outside partnerships this month:
    • Red Potato Market is holding a free fashion show at Pecan Grove Country Club on October 13th to benefit FBWC
    • Awakened Yoga is holding a free Women’s Self Defense Class Saturday, October 22nd and accepting donations to benefit FBWC

To learn more about the Fort Bend County Women's Center, please visit their website at

Are you a victim of domestic violence or sexual assault? We are here for you.

Call us at 281-342-HELP (4357) 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for emergency assistance. Chat with us now (Chat Service to Come). Your safety is the most important thing. All your calls and chats are totally confidential. Be aware that your abuser might be checking your internet use, emails and tracking your phone. Check our advice on safety planning and staying safe online.

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