Fort Bend County Judge KP George Helps Families in Need with Toy Giveaway
Fort Bend County Judge KP George, in collaboration with the Fort Bend County Health and Human Services department, orchestrated a heartwarming and successful 2023 Toy Giveaway that brought joy to hundreds of children in need throughout the community.
The event, held on December 14, at the Rosenberg Annex, saw an impressive turnout with 193 registered families and over 60 unregistered families, who met the needs qualifications.
A total of 1,158 children from the registered families and 406 children from the unregistered/walk-up families were the recipients of the generosity displayed by the Fort Bend County community.
The overwhelming success of the toy drive was made possible by the remarkable generosity of the community, as more than 2,000 toys and 3,000 plushies were donated. These contributions allowed the county to provide over 1,600 children with toys for Christmas.
A surplus of over 300 toys and plushies were donated to Child Advocates of Fort Bend on Wednesday, December 20, 2023.
“My office recognizes the importance of supporting organizations dedicated to child advocacy, so we elected to donate the surplus of toys to Child Advocates,” stated Judge KP George. “We are committed to extending the spirit of giving beyond the immediate event and fostering a culture of support for those in need throughout the year.”
The average family household income of $36,000 or less for the participating families underscores the impact of the Toy Drive Giveaway on those facing economic challenges. Through the collaborative efforts of Fort Bend County Judge KP George, Health and Human Services, and generous donors, the event aimed to bring joy and relief to families in need during the holiday season.
Source: Fort Bend County