August 2023 Constable Report for Williamsburg Settlement
The MUD 61 and 62 service areas, which include Williamsburg Settlement, are patrolled by Harris County Sherrif's Office (HCSO) deputies operating under contract to the MUDs. The patrol contracts are managed by MUD 61.
To report an emergency that requires the immediate dispatch of police, ambulance, or fire personnel and equipment, please call 9-1-1. All other calls that require the dispatch of a deputy should be directed to the Harris County Sheriff's Office at 713-221-6000. To request a vacation watch by the HCSO contract deputies call 832-927-7200 or complete the HCSO on-line Vacation Watch form.
The Williamsburg Settlement HOA Board is no longer involved in the provision of security services. Any questions regarding security should be addressed to Billy Lowery, Vice President & Security Coordinator for Harris County MUD #61 at billylmud61@gmail.com.