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A Message from your HOA President

A Message from your HOA President

September 23 2021

In my article last month, I ended with a discussion of our budget and our assessments. I explained how we go about determining a budget and the assessment amount each year. This month, I would like to cover where those assessment fees go. Do you know? There are many costs associated with running our community. Most people understand that the Pool and Landscaping are paid for from our assessment dues, but where else does the money go? Assessments cover the following. Although not a complete list, these are the major ones.

Amenities: Pool maintenance and repairs, Lifeguards, Parks, Playgrounds, Trails & Greenways, the Tennis Court and other common areas.
Utilities: Streetlights and common area lighting, Pool Electricity, Telephone, Security Cameras/Internet.
Administrative: Management services including assessment collections, architectural control committee request review and processing, postage and printing, accounting task, deed restriction inspections and enforcement, website hosting, insurance and audit services by a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).
Legal Fees: Services related to assessment collections, deed violation enforcement and contract review and advice.
Landscaping: Mowing, maintaining shrubs and flowers, trimming trees, even our share of mowing the median on Telge.
Other Services: This can include several areas such as pest control, mosquito fogging, community events and additional constable patrol services, the flags flying at Telge and West roads and even Christmas decorations to name a few.

So, as you can see, the assessments that are collected are used for anything necessary or desirable to keep the subdivision neat and in good order in order to maintain our property values. This is just a short list of where the monies go. For a complete annual budget, all details can be found online and can be viewed at any time by any Aberdeen Trails Homeowner who is registered on TownSQ at

Thanks for reading.
Andy Finney
President - Aberdeen Trails HOA BOD

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