Swans Can Be Dangerous
This time of the year, Mother Nature provides our LOE swans with some common sense. It is mating, nesting, then egg-laying season and they feel the need to protect their territory against predators including humans, dogs and other waterfowl.
Most of the swans in our neighborhood are not old enough to mate but some will go through the motions of even building a nest. The pairs of swans that are old enough to produce young (cygnets) are normally gentle and can be fed while posing no threat. However, our males (cobs) will become aggressive and territorial in trying to protect their mate and their nest. This is usually temporary until mating season is over.
If you are walking past a lake and a swan swims to your side and follows you, BEWARE! If you see a swan with his neck back and feathers up such as the one in the picture, please stay away, do not attempt to feed him and walk on the other side of the street as he is in ATTACK position. Please warn your nannies and sitters not to stroll babies around the swans.
We must try to remember that the swans are protecting their territory and readying it for their young. To antagonize, tease, throw objects at or injure the swans is a felony and we need to be as cautious of them as they are to us. Thank you for your cooperation.