Summer Camps & VBS in Tomball
April 26 2023
May 30 – May 31
1st – 4th grade Boys Camp
8 am – 10:30 am
5th – 6th Grade Boys Camp
11 am – 1:30 pm
All skill levels. Campers will learn ball handling, shooting, passing, footwork and play games. For more information email matthewbailey@tomballisd.net. To register visit https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfAaVQmaulTBQF0l5Cjc4whzOZsyLhu6ewo6_MLghJiD5Pu_w/viewform
May 30 – August 7
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
11 weeks of Camps. https://www.alodia-basketball-training.com/tomball-cypress-basketball-summer-camps
May 31 – June 2
8 am – 11:30 am
The Tomball High School staff, along with other excellent instructors are very pleased and excited about the opportunity to help develop your baseball skills and knowledge. We offer each camper a sound background on the fundamentals of baseball along with teaching a few new and innovative techniques. The camp is designed to be informative, and fun. This camp is a great way to learn more about baseball, make some new friends, and get to know the Tomball Cougars Baseball Staff. This is a great way to promote the game in one of the best baseball communities in the nation. Camp for ages 7 years old – Incoming Freshman. Register at https://tinyurl.com/rushbaseball2023
June 5 – June 30
8 am – 3 pm
Ages 5-12. Fun days are back! Get ready to have lots of fun, while playing sports, making new friends, and building core memories. Our summer camp includes a series of fun physical activities, strategy games, and teamwork that are carried out through our game stations located in the academy’s top notch facilities. https://karatewoodlandstexas.com/
June 5 – August 4
9 am – 3 pm
It’s time to book summer activities for your kiddos! Our multi-sport camp provides student athletes (ages 8-12) with a fun, positive environment to increase their athletic ability through exposure to elite performance coaching. Our camp is packed with activities, including Weight training, games, skills drills and friendly competitions, fundamentals of resistance training, speed and agility movements, coordination and teamwork skills, exposure to different sports throughout the week. Camp is for all skill levels and is a blast (or so the kids tell us)! Full and half day passes. Multi-week discounts. https://athletetrainingandhealth.com/events/#/
June 12 – June 15
8 am – 10:30 am
Contact Coach Dave Handal with any questions at dhelitesports@gmail.com. Register at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSduuhx1dmEvNZtOKnITSTCW1Qp_dfo2AynebwzUX3MkzODeJA/viewform
June 26 – June 29
10 am – 12 pm
Join us for our 4-day youth football camp, designed for young athletes who want to develop their football skills and take their game to the next level. Camp for grades 1-6. Register at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScvI-Vpd7QvdHD1CIXTsF_7uUGHjBF8PCLcOWUXhr5AftH64w/viewform
June 5 – June 9
9 am – 11 am
Our young campers will explore new acting adventures each day as they visit new places like an African Safari and a Rainforest. Unleash the creative energy in your child and introduce them to the wonderful world of dramatic fun as only Drama Kids can deliver. https://dramakids.com/cypress-spring-tomball-tx/camps-events/
June 5 – June 9
9 am – 4 pm
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a ???? Girls & boys will find their inner super hero during this week of non-stop, action-packed fun for all! Creativity is sure to “take flight” as campers create their own superhero characters, imaginative super powers, super hero logos, masks, accessories, and adventures with other young super heroes! Imaginations will run wild as young playwrights use their creativity to develop great scenes – created, directed, and performed entirely by THEM! https://dramakids.com/cypress-spring-tomball-tx/camps-events/
June 12-16 | July 10-14
One hour sessions beginning at 9 am with final session ending at 7:30 pm
Learn to draw in 3-D builds powerful thinking skills and launches imagination! Learn more at https://www.markkistler.com/art-camps
June 12 – June 16
9 am – 4 pm
Drama Kids, Young Rembrandts Art, and Hero Martial Arts Academy have combined to offer a full week of non-stop, action-packed SUPER HERO FUN! Creativity is sure to “take flight” as campers create and act out their own superhero characters, choose their imaginative superpowers, create amazing artwork, and display daring martial arts skills, as they adventure with other young superheroes! https://dramakids.com/cypress-spring-tomball-tx/camps-events/?https://dramakids.com/cypress-spring-tomball-tx/camps-events/&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhd_42aK8_gIV38fjBx2Awg7JEAMYASAAEgLY0vD_BwE
July 10 – July 14
9 am – 3 pm
The Summer Strings camp is week-long all day orchestra program for students who are entering the 7th, 8th or 9th grade in the fall of 2023. We are focused on helping the students improve their individual technique as well as provide enrichment opportunities on their instrument. All students will participate in Orchestra, sectional and technique classes each day. Additionally, each student will select two electives from our list of classes to take each day. They will also all take part in recreation time. Lunch is provided each day for all campers. The cost is included in the camp fee. Deadline to register is July 5th. Financial Aid available. Register at https://cypresscreekface.org/education/summer-strings-2023/
Mean Girls Jr. Summer Stock: 8th – 12th grade (2 weeks)
The Addams Family Younger @ Part Summer Stock: 3rd – 7th grade (2 weeks)
Play Performance Summer Stock: 7th – 12th grade (2 weeks)
Play Performance Summer Stock: 3rd – 6th grade (2 weeks)
Storybook Theater Acting: Kindergarten – 2nd grade (4 day camp)
Under the Sea: Kindergarten – 2nd grade (3 day camp)
Around the World: Kindergarten – 2nd grade (1 week camp)
Around the World: 3rd – 6th grade (1 week camp)
Let’s Go to the Movies: 3rd – 6th grade (1 week camp)
Around the World: 5th – 8th grade (1 week camp)
Broadway Hits: 5th – 8th grade (1 week camp)
Improv & Sketch Comedy Camp: 6th – 9th grade (3 day camp)
June 5 – July 21
9 am – 12 pm or 1 pm – 4 pm
Choose from 18 weekly themed camps such as Cartoon Cravings, Avatar: the Pandora Experience, Cupcake Wars, Snack Attack, and more! https://app.lexaclass.com/organization/320/Tomball/550/Camps
June 12-16 | June 26-30 | July 17-21
9 am – 2 pm (Elementary)
9 am – 12 pm (Preschool)
Extended Care Available
Three camps offering fun activities, outside playtime and opportunities to make new friends! Spend the week experimenting and learning about science at our Science Camp. Spend the week learning about a new country every day and related activities at Around The World Camp. And learn all about the planets and the universe at Space Camp! Register at https://archwaychristianlearningcenter.org/summer-camps-1 For more information email tamara@archwaychristianlearningcenter.org.

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June 5 – June 98:30 am – 12 pm
Life is often filled with competition and comparison, but the Christian Race is meant for so much more. Have your kids join us for The Amazing Race VBS 2023! They will learn how to RUN the race of life, and live victoriously in pursuit of the ultimate prize, an eternity spent with Jesus! Ages 6-12 years old. https://myreallife.com/vbs/
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June 20 – June 22Are you looking for some faith-filled family fun this summer? Join us for three evenings of worship and messages, dinner, missions opportunities and games. That's right, your parent(s) get to join in on the fun too! And when we say parent(s), we mean one or both, or any special adults in your life! You must have at least one adult per family to register. Over the course of our three evenings together, we will have dynamic worship and message time, eat dinner, have missional opportunities and play some games. This will be an amazing way to spend intentional spiritual time as a family this summer. We are offering childcare for our friends ages three and younger if needed. Registration opens soon, so be sure to check back here to get your spot and this year's Family VBS time. https://www.salem4u.com/events/salem-summer/
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June 26 – June 309 am – 12 pm
VBS Catholic Kidz Camp - Program is for children four years old through fifth grade. Children will check in with St. Catherine Laboure, pick up their flight plan and meet their Copilot, God! Destination Heaven! They will earn their wings and soar through the sky as one of God’s special Angel troopers. The children will enjoy exciting lessons, cool crafts, fun games, upbeat music, hands on activities and delicious snacks. The fun begins June 26th – June 30th from 9 am to noon. Adult and teen volunteers are needed. Registration NOW OPEN! Register at www.silcc.org/vbs
If you would like to add your VBS or Summer Camp to this listing, please email news@krenekprinting.com We will review and notify you if it will be added. Thank you!