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Stay Safe and  Beautify

Stay Safe and Beautify

December 01 2021

Here are few reminders and tips on staying safe, complying with the neighborhood regulations and beautifying your community.

If you are planning to make improvements to your property, such as build a pool, paint your house or any other exterior modifications, please submit an HIR (Home Improvement Request) to Crest Management Company. You may contact Crest Management at 281-579-0761 or (email). Send your HIR along with all the necessary information to Crest Management Company. After your request is received, you will receive an approval or denial letter. Please do not begin a project until you have received approval.

Please remember to be respectful of your neighbors’ yards and the community grounds. When you take your pet for a walk, come prepared with a scooper and a recycled grocery bag or anything else. If your pet poops during your walk, please scoop and trash. It may not be the most fabulous way to walk your pet, but it does show that you respect your fellow neighbors’ and our beautiful community.

Katy Animal Control works in conjunction with the Katy Police Department enforcing City and State laws. Lost pets are kept in a 3,000 sq. ft. temperature controlled, state-inspected building.
The Katy Animal Shelter does not adopt out animals, therefore, it is extremely important that pets are licensed and vaccinated at six months of age. The department strives to make the licensing process as convenient as possible and can be scheduled by calling the shelter at 281-391-4740 or email The shelter is open Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM and can be reached at 281-391-4740 (all calls are logged and returned, so please leave a message). For after hour emergencies, please call the Katy Police Department at 281-391-4848. It is unlawful to dump animals at the shelter.
Dogs and/or cats are not allowed to run at large on private property and must wear collar and tags at all times.
Any person or entity raising, keeping and maintaining livestock and/or fowl on tracts of land larger than one acre shall obtain an annual permit from the city, except that no permit is required for single tracts of land larger than five acres.
Live animal traps are available with a deposit and signed contract.
PLEASE NOTE: This information applies only to the incorporated city limits of Katy. For lost pets in the areas of Fry Road, Mason Road, Grand Parkway, please contact the county animal shelters (Harris County 281-999-3191; Fort Bend County 281-342-1512; Waller County 979-826-8033) or contact Special Pals at 281-579-7387 ( or Citizens for Animal Protection at 281-497-0591 (
For more information visit Animal Control Ordinance:
Reminder that trashcans are to be stored out of public view, except for on designated trash days. This helps keep the community looking good.
Also, please remember to care for your yard. A well maintained yard is not only pleasing to the eye, but also helps keep our neighborhood values up.
For access to your community pool and tennis courts, please fill out the included form request. Return completed form to Crest Management for processing.
We need residents to help and get involved with the new community newsletter! We welcome your suggestions, recommendations, and information. Contact Liz Trapolino at 281- 945-4645 or
If you happen to notice streetlights that may not be burning or the pole is leaning, you can contact CenterPoint Energy directly at their customer service department at 713-207-2222. The information you will need prior to contacting them is the actual pole number (a six-digit number that is located on the pole itself) and the address nearest to that particular pole. You can also report on the web @

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