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Residents Go Back to School

Residents Go Back to School

September 08 2022

These Cypress Mill residents were all smiles on their first day back to school!

  Cypress Mill resident Ximena is 7 years old and just started second grade. Her younger brother, Santiago, is five years old and just started Kindergarten. Both love traveling, playing outdoors, both love pizza but their favorite food is their mama's sopita (grandma makes them their favorite soup, called fideo). They went sightseeing in Chicago this summer and will be vacationing to Hawaii next summer break.

During the month of August, My Neighborhood News held a photo contest for back-to-school photo submittals, asking respondents to share a little about themselves. Did you miss your chance to submit photos of your kiddos? Don't worry - we will host other photo contests throughout the school year! Keep an eye out for our photo contest announcements.

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