Northmead Village News - December 2022
December 07 2022
ADD US TO YOUR 2023 Calendar!
OUR NEXT HOA BOARD MEETING is scheduled for Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 7:00 pm and is being held virtually at the current time. (Meetings can also be found on the Community Calendar on this website). Our current 2023 schedule is Wednesday, Jan. 25th, Mar 22nd, May 24th, July 26th, and Sept. 27th
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 891 8374 7112; Passcode: HOA
Dial by your location +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 891 8374 7112 Passcode: 846949
If you have a specific item that you would like to address with the Board, you may call Graham Management at 713-334-8000

Santa is coming to the Northmead pool/park at 15619 Pebble Lake Dr. on Saturday, December 10th from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. Have your picture taken with Santa, get your face painted, play games and enjoy the music of our DJ. Donuts and Breakfast Tacos will be served.

The Northmead board will have a couple of the volunteers driving thru community to judge the Christmas Decoration Contest on December 19-22 during the evening. There will be a 1st, 2nd & 3rd prize for each of the three sections of Northmead.
Section 1 is Pebble Lake to West Rd. to Hwy 6.
Section 2 is Oak Mountain Sunny Ridge, Meadow Village
Section 3 is Lake Crystal, West Rd., Pool Creek Drive and Plum Lake

It’s that time again! 2023 annual assessment bill will be going out shortly. If you didn’t receive it, give Graham Management a call.
- The easiest and fastest way to pay is online. Go to: Copperfield.org/Northmead or https://graham.cincwebaxis.com you can pay online using either a credit card or an eCheck.
The bill you receive will also include a return envelope for those paying by mail and the Lock Box Information: Northmead Village C/O Graham Management
P.O 294196
Lewisville, TX 775029
- If you use your own online bill payment system please be sure to update the remittance address as this is a new address.
- Please be sure to include your account number on your check.
- Make your check payable to Northmead Village Community Association.
Residents may also choose to make 3 partial payments to Northmead Village Community Association after you get the bill. There will be no late fees as long as it’s paid in full by 1/31/23. It will be your responsibility to keep track of the payments you make to ensure the balance is paid in full by the due date. If you anticipate a problem paying your assessment by the due date, please contact Graham Management to work out a payment plan BEFORE your account becomes delinquent. Unpaid accounts are subject to interest and additional collection costs. Save yourself additional fees by contacting Graham Management at (713) 334-8000.

The Home Owners Association has enjoyed putting on events in the neighborhood for our community. The Home Owners Board is made up of 5 volunteers plus a representative from Graham Management, due to family emergencies and heavier than normal workloads we are not able to keep up with these events unless we get some volunteers to help us. We will need help with: organizing and setting up Movie in the Park, putting out signs for the Fall and Spring Garage Sale, putting out signs for the Halloween and Christmas Decorating contest and judges for these events, and helping with the stuffing party, putting out signs and help the day of the event for Santa comes to Northmead and the Easter Bunny. Please contact Jessica Delgado at: jdelgado@grahammanagementhouston.com if you would like to help us by volunteering. Thank you - The Northmead HOA
Northmead Village Association began using a new website August 1, 2021. The website address is https://graham.cincwebaxis.com Please make sure to register anytime to ensure that you stay up-to-date on community news. This new site will have the ability to send broadcast text messages as well as emails. It will contain the Association’s governing documents, forms, and other helpful information. You will also be able to see your individual account details and submit ARC applications. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to Graham Management.

Remember that any changes to our property like patio covers, new roofs, sheds, house painting, fences, solar panels, whole house generators, etc. will need approval from the Architectural Review Committee. You can obtain approval forms online at www.Copperfield.org/Northmead

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