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Mayor Turner Releases Comprehensive Plan to Combat Illegal Dumping

Mayor Turner Releases Comprehensive Plan to Combat Illegal Dumping

March 29 2023

Mayor Sylvester Turner released his One Clean Houston initiative today to combat illegal dumping throughout the city.

The initiative focuses on three key areas to address the issue and clean up Houston’s neighborhoods, especially areas that have been repeatedly targeted by individuals committing illegal dumping.
  1. Rapid cleanup
  2. Better enforcement
  3. Prevention and education

The plan outlines the City’s commitment to work with homeowners, community members, non-profits, industry and other governmental organizations.

The One Clean Houston Plan allocates nearly $18M in additional dollars over the next two years to comprehensively address illegal dumping; this is an unprecedented investment in this issue that impacts many of Houston’s neighborhoods, particularly the most vulnerable.

"My administration has always prioritized the eradication of illegal dumping, and now One Clean Houston outlines how we will move forward together to combat a prevalent problem," said Mayor Turner. "Illegal dumping is a blight on our community, threatening the health and welfare of people living in neighborhoods where illegal dumping occurs. It is unlawful for anyone to dump trash in areas where it does not belong. Not only do we intend to clean up Houston, but we will intensify our work to hold offenders responsible for their dirty work."

The mayor was joined at the news conference by Mark Wilfalk, director of Solid Waste Management, Councilmembers Tarsha Jackson (District B) and Karla Cisneros (District H), Harris County Precinct One Constable Alan Rosen, Houston Police Sgt. Patrick Morrisey Nichole Christoph, Deputy Director, Crime-Stoppers, Alan Steinberg of Keep Houston Beautiful, Jesse Bounds, director of the City's Office of Innovation, Department of Neighborhoods Director TaKasha Francis, and several community representatives. 

The initiative will dedicate funding to the City's Solid Waste Management Department (SWMD) to remove debris from dumpsites as quickly as possible. It will also increase funding for equipment and personnel to help arrest violators. One Clean Houston also will provide adequate alternatives to dispose of waste, educating the community on the consequences and impacts and improving areas prone to dumping.

"In addition to increasing our debris removal capacity, Mayor Turner has supported the department's requests to deploy several new mobile security cameras in specific neighborhoods subjected to frequent illegal dumping. Our teams will use these mobile devices to deter unauthorized dumping and identify the violators responsible for this careless and illegal behavior," said SWMD Director Mark Wilfalk.

The full plan and more information regarding One Clean Houston can be found at

"We cannot do this alone. We need all community members to step up and say enough is enough; we love our City and will protect it from this unacceptable blight. I'm asking all Houstonians to take some pride and stand up for One Clean Houston," said Mayor Turner.

During the news conference, Mayor Turner asked people, if they see something, to say something! Anyone can submit a tip anonymously to Crime Stoppers and be eligible for a cash award of up to $5,000. Call 713-222-TIPS or report online at You can now provide tips directly to police through the online crime reporting form on HPD's homepage or the Rat-on-a-Rat Hotline at 713-525-2728

Source: City of Houston Mayor's Office

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