March 2022 News
Nabrnetwork is the community website for Middlegate residents. To register, connect at https://middlegatevillagehouston.nabrnetwork.com.
The site is an electronic forum and features Middlegate by-laws, approved paint colors, resident directory, a messaging system to post news and photos and much more.
It is a service provided to Middlegate HOA residents and is not supported by advertising. Nabrnetwork is monitored by the Middlegate HOA directors.
Crest is the management company for Middlegate Village Homeowners Association.
To access your account information and electronic community forms, register online at Crest website www.crest-management.com. Follow the prompts from Homeowner login.
Main Crest phone number 281-579-0761.
Crest Management Team Members
Middlegate is served by two Harris County Municipal Utility Districts, MUD 162 and MUD 163. Your home is served by one or the other. Each District maintains water and sewer needs via coordination of state agency TCEQ, local operators and contractors and each MUD has an elected Board of Directors.
To sign up for MUD162 news and updates text MUD162 to 832-321-8200. For email alerts complete the form on website hcmud162.com.
To sign up for MUD 163 news and updates, text MUD163 to 866-551-0666. For email alerts, complete the form on website hcmud163.org.
When a Middlegate homeowner receives a letter of a potential violation of a deed restriction, the homeowner is welcome to contact management company for clarification, correction or simply to get an understanding of the deed restriction enforcement process.
When homeowner feels that the violation has been remedied and no longer exits, homeowner should contact management company with the new status.
The violation is specific to the property address where violation was noted. The notification process and remedy steps are kept confidential by the management company.