Looking Ahead to the Return of Yard of the Month in Harvest Bend
Even though the winter weather may keep us indoors, it doesn’t mean we should ignore our yards! Taking a little time now to tend to your lawn and garden can help ensure they’re ready to flourish come spring. During the winter months, be sure to clear away fallen leaves and any dead plants that may have accumulated. This simple task will help keep your yard looking neat and will prepare it for the warmer months ahead.
Looking ahead, the Harvest Bend Yard of the Month program will kick off in April, and it’s a great way to recognize the beautifully maintained lawns in our community. However, if the weather doesn’t cooperate and we face any lingering winter damage or hard freezes into early spring, the Yard of the Month recognition may be postponed by a month to allow everyone’s yards to bounce back.
Take advantage of this time to give your yard some extra attention, and stay tuned for more details about Yard of the Month as we approach spring!