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Join Us for the Spotlight on WHCRWA Show and Tell Workshop: Water Awareness & Community Outreach Event

Join Us for the Spotlight on WHCRWA Show and Tell Workshop: Water Awareness & Community Outreach Event

November 11 2024

You are cordially invited to join us for the “Spotlight on WHCRWA” Show and Tell Workshop following the November 13, 2024 regular board meeting.

This Show and Tell opportunity will showcase the Authority’s outreach efforts that provide the foundation for awareness and understanding necessary to make informed decisions in the future.

  • Visit exhibits to learn about the issues, collect samples of free outreach materials, and learn how to obtain them in bulk for your district;
  • Have a one-on-one conversation with WHCRWA Directors about critical water issues;
  • Enter for a chance to win raffle prizes; and
  • Enjoy refreshments.

NOVEMBER 13, 2024 AT 6PM

20111 SAUMS RD, KATY, TX 77449


What is the WHCRWA?

The West Harris County Regional Water Authority (“WHCRWA”) was created by House Bill 1842 (the “Act”), introduced by State Representative Bill Callegari and sponsored in the Senate by Senator Jon Lindsay. The bill was approved by the 77th Texas Legislature, signed into law by Texas Governor James Richard Perry on May 28, 2001, and immediately went into effect. The City of Katy consented to the creation of the WHCRWA on May 21, 2001, and the City of Houston consented on June 6, 2001.

The WHCRWA was created to accomplish the purposes of provision of surface water and groundwater for various uses, the reduction of groundwater withdrawals, the conservation, preservation, protection, recharge, and prevention of waste of groundwater and of groundwater reservoirs, the control of subsidence caused by withdrawal of water from those groundwater reservoirs, and other public purposes stated in the Act.

A Board, made up of nine directors who serve staggered four-year terms, governs the WHCRWA. Directors must: (i) be at least 18 years of age; (ii) be a Texas resident; (iii) own land or be a qualified voter within the director precinct; and (iv) have served as a director of one or more districts for a total of at least four years. To serve as a director representing any part of the City of Katy, the individual must (i) meet the other specified qualifications, and (ii) must either meet the requirement of having served as a director of one or more districts for at least four years, or must have served as the mayor or a member of the city council of the City of Katy.

Please join us as we emphasize community outreach efforts to help water users, as Ben Franklin said, “know the worth of water,” and participate in our water stewardship efforts.

Source: WHCRWA

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