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Join Us for Future Cypress Mill HOA Board Meetings

Join Us for Future Cypress Mill HOA Board Meetings

July 18 2024

We warmly invite you to join us for our upcoming Cypress Mill HOA board meetings! They are held every 4th Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm, except for our Annual Meeting in April, which starts at 7:00 pm. Please note, there will be no meetings in November and December. Your participation is invaluable in shaping our community's future and ensuring your voice is heard. We look forward to seeing you there!

Please see below for the most recently published meeting minutes shared by your community management team.


Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting: March 27, 2024

The Board of Directors meeting of the Cypress Mill Homeowners Association Inc. was at the Cypress Mill Recreation Center, 14710 Mills Park Lane, Cypress, Texas. 

Board members in attendance; Michael Williams, Stephen Howard, Larry Turner, and Julian Becerra, and Larry Ramirez.  Management: Angela Rivera

Call to Order / Quorum

With a quorum duly established, President Larry Turner called the Cypress Mill Board of Directors meeting to order at 6:00 PM. An Invocation; made by Larry Ramirez.

Summary of Executing Meeting

The previous meeting minutes are available on the community app TownSq.

Board Announcement

Initiate (2) two Authorization to File a Judicial Foreclosure and (1) one Authorization to Auction Property at Foreclosure Sale.

Approval of Minutes

Motion to accept the meeting minutes of February 26, 2024, from Stephen Howard and Julian Becerra. Motion carried.

Financial and Management Reports

Angela Rivera presented March’s financials and the Delinquency Status Report and Deed Restriction Report.

New | Old Business

Landscape USA – Lance Gay -Operations Manager

Homeowner Forum

Homeowners present and discuss the following items: 

  • Announcement of candidacy from homeowner
  • How proxy votes are handled
  • Mike Williams resigns from the board of directors

President Larry Turner asked if there were any other questions from the membership, there were none. With no further business, the meeting; was adjourned at 7:30PM.

The following items were discussed during the executive session. Motions were made, seconded, and passed unanimously to:

  • Larry Turner motion to approve a quote from iTech at $1246 for two cameras at Mills Park Lane and Cypresswood and Stephen Howard second, the motion was carried.
  • Board Action approved to move (11) eleven DRV account to the attorney’s office.

With no further business to discuss, the Executive meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Ratify Actions In-between meetings.

  • iTech server at Cypresswood approved at $4,250.
  • Marathon Fitness elliptical screen repair approved at $535.
  • HVAC system in fitness room evaporator coil replaced- under warranty labor approved at $2,058.
  • Appointed vacate set to Christi Deaton on 04/19/2024.

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