Get Involved: Williamsburg Settlement HOA Seeks New Board Member
The term of one current board member is set to expire this year. Residents interested in joining the board are encouraged to express their interest to any existing officers or to Crest Community Manager, Maggie (281-945-4632), by March 12 to be included on the official ballot. The ballot will be approved at the March 18 Williamsburg SettlementHOA board meeting and subsequently mailed to all residents.
For those who miss the initial deadline, nominations will also be accepted from the floor at the April meeting.
Residents seeking more information about board responsibilities are encouraged to contact current board members, who are available to answer questions and provide insight into the role. Contact details for all board members are available on the Board Members page of the website.
Serving as a board member offers a valuable opportunity to contribute to the community and support the continued quality and upkeep of the neighborhood. All residents are encouraged to consider this opportunity!