Enhancing Community Beauty: Nottingham Country CIA's Latest Initiatives and Achievements
The American and Texas Flags have been replaced and look so much better! We are appreciative of those that raised this to the board's attention as this is an item that should not go unnoticed. Thank you John Blay, NCCIA Secretary for taking care of the task at hand! The old flags will be retired by the Boy Scouts in their annual ceremony. Please click here to view the process for all to review.
In addition to the flags, the tennis court nets have both been replaced and fresh and are ready to be used. Custom Scapes has finalized the cleaning up of all trees and limbs post the tornado and storm so it is safe to get back out and about in the Park!
Lastly, park signs were picked up and will start to hang them over this week and next along with the no trespassing signs for both the park and alleyways.
Landscape Committee
The NCCIA Landscape Committee had a very successful meeting on April 15, 2024, and are working with Custom Scapes regarding next steps. Meeting minutes will be posted to our residential portal for all to review. Here are the main action items from the meeting:
- Custom Scapes to provide an updated plan for Kingsland along with pricing for all proposed changes.
- Brittany Severin to deliver a meeting recap and share Custom Scapes proposed plan of action has been completed and shared.
- Cul-De-Sacs proposed plan was discussed to allow for long term solution to conserve water and funds.
- Yard of the season completed and will be shared with residents via e-blast and Facebook. Separate post to follow!
- Next Meeting Tentatively scheduled for May 16 or 19 same location El Tiempo