Cy-Fair Fire Department Warns Against Driving In Flooded Areas
January 25 2023
Do not drive thru flooded streets! When street flooding happens, be aware of your water levels and surroundings.
- Do not attempt to cross floodwaters. The depth of the water is not always obvious. Moving water has tremendous power. Six inches of moving water has the potential to knock you off your feet, and a foot of water can sweep a vehicle—even a large SUV—off of the road. Visit the National Weather Service (NWS) Turn Around Don’t Drown® program at tadd.weather.gov.
- If your vehicle is trapped in rapidly moving water, stay in the vehicle.
- If water is moving at a high velocity and is rapidly rising in the vehicle, exit the vehicle immediately, seek refuge on the roof of the vehicle, and signal for help.
- If your vehicle stalls, leave it immediately (unless water is moving at a high velocity) and move to higher ground. Rapidly rising water can engulf the vehicle and its occupants, sweeping them away.
Check out this great video from Scotty Kilmer on even a small amount of water can do to your car's engine.