Copper Village Community News - September 2021
Monthly Meetings
The Copper Village Community Association Board of Directors is pleased to announce the resumption of in person monthly meetings. Until further notice, the monthly meetings will be held at the West Houston Church of Christ, 17100 West Road. We will be meeting at the church for the next few months to allow homeowners space for comfortable social distancing. We will have signage showing the exact meeting room. These meetings will be held on the 3rd Monday of each month at 6:30 PM and we hope that many of you will choose to attend.
Copper Village Pool
The Copper Village Pool closes for the summer on Monday, September 6th and will open next year the beginning of May. Despite still having COVID issues, we feel that we still had a successful pool season.
Annual Dues Assessment
Homeowner Dues Assessments were due by January 31st, interest has begun to accrue as of February 1st. Please contact Inframark if you never received your statement or need to discuss a payment plan. The HOA would greatly appreciate it if you could take care of your dues assessments as soon as possible.
2021 Calendar Of Events
Board meets 3rd Monday of each month at 6:30 PM. The meetings are being held in person again and will be held at West Houston Church of Christ, 17100 West Road. Garage Sale: Saturday, October 9th from 7AM to Noon. Fall Fest: Sunday, October 17th from 2-4PM. (Rain Date: Sunday, October 24th)
Community Parking
We have had numerous complaints lately about the number of cars being parked at certain houses. Society has evolved over the years from one car to multiple-car households; unfortunately, the developers of the subdivisions didn’t allocate enough space for parking. Associations are at a loss about how to control parking; it is an issue that is fraught with challenges and abuses. The streets belong to the County; the HOA is unable to enforce traffic laws as there is nothing in the covenants that limit the number of personal vehicles a Resident may have. If a resident feels there is an issue with parking, i.e., location of the vehicle, blocking site lines, parking in front of fire hydrants, etc., you may call the Harris County Sheriff’s Office on the non-emergency line, which is 713-221-6000. As much as we would like to do something about this issue, our hands are really tied on it. Therefore, your best course of action would be to call the Sheriff’s office directly.
Homeowner Website
Inframark, our Property Management Company, has a website that homeowners can log into to access current Association information. The website is: townsquare.nabrnetwork.com; the site is constantly being updated to provide the latest association news. You are also able to see all pertinent governing documents related to the association. All homeowners will need to register to access this website. Currently, there are less than one-half of the homeowners registered. Please register to be able to access this website so that you can stay abreast of neighborhood happenings.
HOA Board of Directors
The Copper Village Board of Directors has been discussing possible 2022 Capital Projects. Proposed projects include:
While we are unable to do all of the projects due to their cost, we will be able to do many of them. Please let Inframark know if you have any feelings on one or more of these 2022 projects.