Can I Recycle This?
Have you been wondering what you can and cannot recycle with your LAN trash service?
The trash and recycling provider for Lakes at NorthPointe is Best Trash. Friendly reminder:
Regular trash pickup takes place every Tuesday and Friday, and heavy trash pickup takes place on Fridays.
Check out the lists below for clarification on acceptable and unacceptable items for your recycling service.
Accepted Materials
- Newspaper & Inserts
- Magazines & catalogs
- Junk Mail, envelopes, file folders Office paper-any color
- Corrugated cardboard boxes Cereal and Gift boxes, etc
- Paper bags & phone books Wrapping Paper, packaging paper Paper books and hard cover books Milk and Juice Cartons
- Wax coated boxes
- Shredded paper
- Toilet and Paper towel rolls
- Pizza boxes
- Glass-clear and colored
- Aluminum Cans
- Aluminum Foil
- Aluminum foil plates/containers
- Plastic bottles, jars, tubs and buckets (examples are soda, water, milk, juice, liquor, detergent, condiments, salad dressing, butter, pet food containers, etc.)
- Metal Food cans (tin and steel) metal pots and pans
- Gutters (not longer than 4 feet) Empty Aerosol Cans
Unaccepted Materials
Yard waste
- Windows
- Mirrors
- Wood
- Plastic bags
- Coat hangers
- Light bulbs
- Paint
- Furniture
- Used paper towels
- Used tissues
- Styrofoam
- Ceramics
- Soiled diapers
- Plastic film hoses
- Electrical cords
Best Trash asks that you always have your items out prior to 7:00 AM on service days. Please ensure that your trash and trash receptacles are not blocked by vehicles so that your items can be safely picked up.
To contact Best Trash with any questions or concerns, please visit their website at best-trash.com, email them at customerservice@besttrashtexas.com or call them at 281-313-2378.