A Note From the Lakemont Board
May 20 2022
Hello Residents!
I would like to address some questions that were brought up at this past board meeting as well as some common questions regarding letters that have been received.
We encourage you to request additional time to correct a violation if the project cannot be completed within the 10-day period. This communication will help prevent the escalation of fines. Please remember to ALWAYS submit an application PRIOR to doing any exterior work, even when you receive a letter to fix or replace the item. Applications should be submitted for sidewalks, roofs, fencing, paint, sheds/outbuildings, or any other major exterior modifications. This can and will save you money and unnecessary frustration if the application is approved before the work is completed. Normal landscape maintenance, sprucing up of flower beds, and pressure washing are examples of home maintenance that would not require an application be submitted.
- Article 4, Section 19 states: All lots shall be kept at all times in a sanitary, healthful and attractive condition…
Article VI, Section 1 states: The Architectural Review Committee shall have the right to require any owner to remove or alter any structure which has not received approval or is built other than in accordance with the approved plans.
Please review the CCRs and Residential Architectural Guidelines for further information and/or clarification.
There are 3 different responsible parties for repairing sidewalks; the HOA, the homeowner, and the county. An application should be submitted prior to work if the sidewalk is being replaced. There would not be a need to submit if the sidewalk is being re-leveled by mud-jacking.
First, the HOA is responsible for maintaining and repairing any of the sidewalks on the common area properties, including the walking trails around the lakes, the main sidewalk down Lakemont Bend, the sidewalks that are at the entrances to the Lakemont sections, and any common areas within each of the sections. As this is a huge property, any help in locating common area sidewalks in need of repair is greatly appreciated. Please email me with a photo and the location of needed repairs at LakemontCA@grahammanagementhouston.com.
- Second, the homeowner is responsible for maintaining and repairing the sidewalks that are on their property. This is not the responsibility of the county or HOA.
- Last, the MUD will typically repair any damaged sidewalks that involve a water main. Please contact info@mdswater.com to submit a request for a repair that involves a water main.
An application is required prior to having a fence replaced (even if you receive a letter). It is not required if you are only replacing a few pickets. However, please make sure that the pickets replaced match the rest of the fence in height, and type of picket.
- According to the deed restrictions and Architectural guidelines a fence cannot exceed 6 ft in height. If you wish to have a rot board at the bottom, the pickets must be cut down so as not to be taller than 6 ft.
- Fences facing the front, side, rear streets, or greenbelt shall be constructed with all pickets on the outside so that no posts or rails are visible from the street.
- All other wooden fences must be constructed must be constructed in panels (6-8 feet in length) erected in a “good neighbor” fashion so that posts and rails are exposed only on alternate panels when viewed from either side of the fence.
- No portion of the wooden fence that can be viewed from any street may be painted or stained.