A Message from Your HOA Board
We want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
December’s Holiday Event will be held on, Saturday, December 11, 2021. Santa and Mrs. Claus arrive at 10 AM at 14710 Mills Park Lane in the Recreation Center.
Veteran’s Day Celebration was a success. Thank you to the Veterans and families that joined the celebration and the Cub Scouts SHAC Pack 3 for their presentation of colors.
Would you like to volunteer with the Cypress Mill Event Committee? You can contact a coordinator for further information at cymillevents@gmail.com.
Cypress Mill HOA Board of Directors
Please pay your assessments on time to prevent from receiving a late fee and or interest added to you HOA account.
Please visit the app https://app.townsq.io/login to pay and/or mail in your payment to PO Box 3157 Houston, TX 77253. As soon as possible.
For your future reference you can always pay ahead on your yearly assessments either in full or a little at a time throughout the year. This is encouraged to each homeowner.