Westgate News From The Board September 2021
If you haven’t paid your dues yet, PLEASE call in to Inframark to get on a payment plan. The outstanding accounts are going to the attorney at this time of year. Once you start racking up attorney’s fees, your debt to the HOA can go up by thousands. Once those fees are accrued, you are responsible for them. If you are having financial difficulties, try applying for an extended payment plan. Come talk to the Board if you have problems. Don’t put it off or ignore the situation.
- Are you part of our Westgate Facebook Page? If not, you should be! Join Us “WESTGATE SUBDIVISION Official” and see what other residents are saying.
- Wouldn’t you like to have your voice heard? Join our zoom meetings, they happen every 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:15 PM. If you have any grievances, our monthly zoom meetings would be the best place to be heard and know what exactly the HOA does.
The HOA has sent out a letter to all the homes in the neighborhood asking for your help to fill out a petition for have a sign put up on the Lantana Woods entrance at Longenbaugh to stop commercial vehicles from parking overnight. We need a minimum 25% of residences to participate and get the signage we need to stop the overnight parking. This is restricted to 1 signature per household. Please contact Angela @ angela.Bumann@inframark.com if you require a new form.
The pool will be open Tuesday through Sunday during June through August, then weekends again in September. We are currently checking with the state on if our particular kind of splashpad can be open this year. We have installed gate access cards to enter the pool and splashpad. Once you receive your card, you should keep it and use the same card as long as you live in Westgate. If you need to replace yours, you must fill out the form, which you can get by calling Inframark or downloading it from our website (www.westgatetx.net). Send the form to Inframark and they will send you the access card.
- Keep this card as long as you are a resident in Westgate. We will not be replacing them every year like we did the pool tags.
- The first card is free. Any subsequent cards must be purchased. Up to two cards per house.
- Each household can bring up to six people to the pool. It does not matter how many cards you have.
- Tenants must get the card through their landlord.
Whether first-time homeowners or long-time residents, we all have a hefty investment in where we live. So it’s important to preserve the value of our residences - as well as the surrounding common areas we all share-by keeping buildings well-maintained and in a style that compliments adjacent structures and landscaping. When our homes’ exteriors are in good shape and the grass is cut, the hedges trimmed, the trash picked up and the sidewalks and roads well-maintained, the community is attractive to prospective buyers and renters and property values are preserved. Our association’s Architectural Review Committee (ARC) review program is a big part of sustaining the community’s appearance and property values. While our ARC guidelines have some limitations, they allow enough flexibility for individual expression. Please submit an ARC application if you’re considering a project for your home that involves painting, roofing, redesigning or installing trees, constructing a fence, adding a secondary structure (like a garden shed, dog house, swing set or garage); or installing solar panels or any other exterior modifications to your home or exterior property. Remember it is important to obtain approval for modifications prior to beginning an exterior modification.
The ARC application can be found at www.westgatetx.net or you can request an application at customercare@inframark.com.
To get the latest information on what’s happening in Westgate, be sure to check our other Westgate sources:
- The WESTGATE WEBSITE, www.westgatetx.net
- The Westgate FACEBOOK page is Westgate’s official Social Media outlet for information (on Facebook, search for “WESTGATE SUBDIVISION Official” and you must sign up); you can find goodies like pictures of our events, HOA information, etc. If you have trouble finding it on Facebook, type this into your address bar: www.facebook.com/groups/WestgateSubdivision . Within a day or two, you will then be asked to verify your address, as it is a residents-only group. Look for this in your “messages” section at the top left of the page and you may be asked to accept a message.
- Send questions to the WESTGATE HOA EMAIL, Board@westgatetx.net.
The newsletter only comes out once a month and information is a month old, so the other methods are used when something happens last minute and if you missed the newsletter.
Westgate Subdivision falls within District 4 of the Harris County Sheriff’s Department. Suspicious behavior should be called in to the Non- Emergency number, general questions should be directed to the Patrol District Office and emergencies should always call 911:
- EMERGENCY: 9-1-1 (emergencies only)
- NON-EMERGENCY NUMBER: 713-221-6000 (Option 1 for dispatch)
- PATROL DISTRICT OFFICE: 281-463-2648 (for general information only) 16715 Clay Road • Houston, TX 77084
If you see a streetlight out, please report outages to CenterPoint Energy at 713-207-2222 or 800-332-7143 ; also, at www.centerpointenergy.com. You will need the pole number, the black and white numbers listed vertically on the pole, to report the outage. This is something you can do to help keep your community safe. Otherwise, it may take a while for Centerpoint to notice it is out.