Welcome Westgate Residents!
If you haven’t paid your dues yet, PLEASE call in to Inframark to get on a payment plan. The outstanding accounts are going to the attorney’s at this time of year. Once you start racking up attorney’s fees, your debt to the HOA can go up by thousands. Once those fees are accrued, you are responsible for them. If you are having financial difficulties, try applying for an extended payment plan. Come talk to the Board if you have problems. Don’t put it off or ignore the situation.
Are you part of our Westgate Facebook Page? If not, you should be!
Join Us “WESTGATE SUBDIVISION Official” and see what other residents are saying.
Wouldn’t you like to have your voice heard? Join our zoom meetings, they happen every 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:15 PM.
If you have any grievances, our monthly zoom meetings would be the best place to be heard and know what exactly the HOA does.
Thank you for caring about Westgate!