Tips to Reduce Your Risk of Burglary
December 02 2021
It cannot be stated enough of the importance of minimizing our exposure to crime. Our contract deputies stated that certain vehicles have increased exposure to theft, specifically the tires and rims. The vehicles commonly targeted are Ford F150, Dodge Chargers and Chevy Tahoes. Although these vehicles have rim locks, another safeguard is to park your vehicle in the garage or close to another vehicle. Anyway, you can either slow down or cause attention will help reduce the risk of theft.You need to be mindful to breakdown bags and boxes of large purchases, if possible place in trash bins or bags. Although it’s time consuming and burdensome, it doesn’t call attention to such items in your home.The list below simply reminds us of other things we should be mindful each day.
Take the time to meet and know your neighbors. Let them know if you notice anything unusual such as cars or people at their homes.
Make sure to close garage doors when at home & away.
Don’t keep garage door openers in the car, take them in the house with you; a garage door opener makes it easier for someone to enter your garage or house to remove personal property.
Keep car doors locked and take valuables either in your home or ensure the items are not in plain site; remember to take down the attachment for your Garmin too, as it alerts individuals that something valuable may be in the car.
If possible, keep a car in a driveway as it gives an impression that someone is home.
Keep all shrubs and plants at a level low enough that passing by officers or other residents can see if someone is lurking in those bushes! Shrubs should also be trimmed high enough to show “feet” of someone hiding in them.
Have keys in hand before leaving the store, house or office, avoiding standing by the car searching for them.
Don’t leave ladders on the side of the house or in the back yard. Ladders provide easy access to open second floor windows and no one will be able to see.
Make sure you close blinds when you are inside at night with the lights on, potential burglars can see right inside and know who is at home.
Use sensor lights outside the home. It deters criminals by “spot lighting” their efforts to enter your home.
Use double key locks: locks that require a key from the outside and from the inside.
Repair any broken areas of your fence, reducing the access of potential burglars or mischievous kids.
When on vacation, let your neighbor(s) know so they can keep an eye out for suspicious activity. You can also inform the Harris County Deputy’s Office serving our area. The Storefront Office is located 19818 Franz Rd., Katy, TX 77449, 281-647-9371. The storefront hours: 9 AM - 5 PM.
When on vacation, keep yards mowed and trimmed, burglars spend a lot of time in a neighborhood looking for their next targets. Overgrown yards are a sure sign no one’s home.