The Woodlands Show Chorus Singing into Spring
The Woodlands Show Chorus, along with its daytime performing chorus, Daybreak Chorus, is ready to Sing into Spring with some BIG performances!
As part of its Give-Back Ten for Ten Program designed to give performances or philanthropic events to the community, TWSC will sing at the Greater Conroe Arts Festival, located in Historic Downtown Conroe/Founders Plaza held on Saturday, March 18, from 10 am to 4 pm. The Chorus will go on stage between 10 am and noon at 225 Metcalf St, next to the Owen Theater. The chorus hopes this performance will be a small token of gratitude to the City of Conroe who has been a wonderful supporter of this harmonious group of women. Information regarding the Greater Conroe Arts Festival can be found on the Greater Conroe Arts Alliance website at greaterconroeartsalliance.com.
After reaching its goal of Top Ten (placing 9th) internationally last September, the chorus is ready to compete again on the region level at the Great Gulf Coast Region 10 Convention and Competition, March 23-25, at the Hilton Houston North, 12400 Greenspoint Dr., Houston, TX 77060. The region is a member of Sweet Adelines International, encompassing chapters in portions of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. Sweet Adelines International is a highly respected worldwide organization of singers committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through education, performance and competition. This independent, nonprofit music education association is one of the world’s largest singing organizations, boasting nearly 22,000 members.
The Woodlands Show Chorus will be contestant number 9 out of 16 choruses participating in the region’s chorus competition held on Saturday, March 25, beginning at 1:00 pm. The Woodlands Show Chorus is scheduled to go on stage at 3:15 pm, pending any unforeseen, last-minute changes. This year, the chorus will perform on stage with a few new members thanks to Open Auditions held earlier this year. TWSC is also proud and excited to support several of its Quartets who will compete against other region quartets on Friday, March 24, beginning at 3:00 pm. Visitors are welcome to attend and can purchase single event tickets for $25 at the registration desk in the hotel prior to each event. Region 10 will also host a webcast of the event for $25 at www.region10webcast.com. More information can be found on the Region 10 website at www.region10sai.org.
2023 will be a busy and exciting year for TWSC. Throughout the year, TWSC works with world-class coaches to perfect its craft of singing 4-part harmony, a’cappella style. New members joining during this audition season will have the opportunity to perform with TWSC on stage at performances and shows! Rehearsals are held every Monday from 7:00-10:00 PM at the First Presbyterian Church in Conroe. Visitors and prospective members are always welcome. For much more information, visit the chorus website at www.TheWoodlandsShowChorus.org.
About The Woodlands Show Chorus
The Woodlands Show Chorus is an award-winning women's a cappella chorus, under the direction of Master Director, Betty Clipman, who is a world renowned coach and director. The chorus consists of talented singers from all age ranges and walks of life. TWSC is dedicated to producing a professional musical product and enriching the lives of its members and the community through musical excellence. For more information, please visit www.thewoodlandsshowchorus.org.
Source: The Woodlands Show Chorus