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Summer Camps & VBS in West Houston/Cypress areas

Summer Camps & VBS in West Houston/Cypress areas

May 01 2023


June 5 – June 9
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
12 pm – 4 pm
Welcome to VBS 2023! Thank you for sharing your child with us as we trek through space on our Stellar VBS adventure where we will Shine Jesus' Light! Each day, leaders reinforce one Bible truth which makes it easy to remember and apply to real life.  
June 6 – June 9
8:30 am – 11:30 am
Our Church offers a Summer VBS for kids who are Kindergarden- 5th grade. Your children will be in a safe environment where they will learn about Jesus and have a fun time doing it. Your our kids will be greeted by our character SONIC!! Then they go to worship with us in the main auditorium. After worship, all kids are dismissed to follow their trained Kids volunteer to their age appropriate room for the rest of service where they will have a blast! Kids check in starts at 8:30am. You can save some time by pre-registering your child at the following link.
June 12 – June 16
9:00 am – 12:30 pm
12 pm – 4 pm
VBS for kids Pre-K through 5th grade
VBX for 6th and 7th grade
Spin the spinner, beat the clock, skip ahead, level up, and play to win! Twists & Turns™ is a fantastical celebration of games of all kinds. From classic tabletop games to strategy games to video games and more, kids will play their way through VBS in fun locations such as the Bible Study Game Room, Wild Card Crafts, Multi-player Missions, and Skip Ahead Snacks! But more importantly, they’ll see Jesus through the eyes of one of His closest friends and discover that trusting Jesus as Savior and following Him changes the game entirely! Life is not all fun and games — even after becoming a Christian. It’s full of twists and turns that can leave us feeling like we’ve taken one step forward and two steps back. That was certainly the case for Peter. He messed up; he stumbled; he wasn’t perfect. But even when Peter messed up, it wasn’t “Game Over.” God still worked through Peter to help others learn about Jesus. As kids study five of Peter’s encounters with Jesus, they’ll discover that Jesus is holy, trustworthy, forgiving, worth following, and for everyone!
June 12 – June 16
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Join us for a “STELLAR” week where kids will instantly feel the love of Jesus as they walk through the door. For children who have completed Kindergarten through 5th grade.
June 19 – June 22
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
The Professor, Super Meer, and our team of heroes spring into action when everyday heroes in the field call in for assistance in dealing with many perils. By exploring the Ultimate Hero Handbook - the Bible – our heroes discover how we can follow the examples set by a cast of supporting Bible Heroes in stories from the Old and New Testaments. By sharing the great story of God’s love for us, our heroes show us how to work together and build each other up in our world. Registration starts May 1, 2023.
June 19 – June 23
8:45 am – 12:00 pm
Join us for a VBS that is out of this world!
June 19 – June 22
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
This summer at VBS, we are going on an epic adventure to learn to follow Jesus here, there, and everywhere! We'll learn to DO what Jesus says, BELIEVE who Jesus is, LOVE who Jesus loves, and SHARE what Jesus did. We can't wait for you to come with us — register today!
June 19 – June 23
Completed Kinder - 5th grade participants welcome! Younger children may attend if an adult volunteers.
June 26 – June 30
6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Last summer at VBS, we got to RISE UP with God’s strength and power.  This summer, we want to DIVE DEEP and discover the amazing love of God.  We are all looking to quench our thirsts for love, acceptance, meaning, identity-- kids and adults alike. We’re all looking for LIVING WATER that won’t run dry.  So join us this summer as we DIVE DEEP and find the treasure we’ve been looking for: Jesus!
June 26 – June 30
9:30 am – 12:30 pm
This year, our campers will learn what it means to shine Jesus' light! They will explore how Jesus shined hope, love, forgiveness, and joy to the world-and how we can do the same with His power! You can expect a week full of faith discoveries, memorable music, and epic adventures that will help our campers grow in friendship with Jesus! Ages 3 years old (fully potty trained) through entering 5th grade (fall 2023).
July 17 – July 21
6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Experiencing God’s Word. At Keepers of the Kingdom VBS, we’ll reinforce Bible truth in a big way because the daily Bible Point is carefully integrated into each activity. God’s Word comes alive through engaging interaction with Bible history!
July 24 – July 27
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Launch kids on a cosmic quest where they’ll have a blast shining Jesus’ light to the world. Stellar rockets kids on an out-of-this-world adventure that’s light years of faith-building fun. Rising kindergarten through 5th grade students welcome. Space is limited - register today! 





May 30 – August 11 @ 2:00 PM
Kids Sports Camp at The MET Church
Attention parents of boys and girls entering 1st through 6th grade. Join us for some summer fun at The HUB! Kids Sports Camp is a multi-sports camp for boys and girls where your kids will learn God’s word and put it into practice. They will play a variety of games and activities like dodge ball, kickball, capture the flag, all while learning Bible lessons and memorizing verses. Register for one week, or each week throughout the summer at

June 5 – August 11
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Inspire Rock Climbing Camps
The inSPIRE Youth programs offer several camps throughout the year, with the most notable being our summer camps, spring camps, and winter camps. These camps are developed to help the climber with technique, problem solving, planning and execution. Our goal is to provide an inSPIRING experience for climbers of all skill levels.

June 12 – June 16
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Melvin Adams Basketball Camp at Windwood Presbyterian Church
Melvin Adams will be hosting his Annual Basketball Camp at Windwood. This camp promotes skills for on and off the court. The camp is for boys and girls ages 6 to 11 yrs old.

June 19 – June 22
8:30 AM – 11:30 PM
Volleyball Camp for Middle/High School students at Bear Creek Church
For Students from 6th to 12th grade. We're focusing on the life of an athlete that needs to focus on fundamentals of the game. Summer camps are designed to build up the skills and development for each given sport highlighting fundamentals. Each day will consist of specific drills working on a skill needed to help train the athlete to mature in the next steps of the sport. We will have trained coaches who will work with them and help encourage them in their development. We will have games and competitions each day to have them work toward an objective and by the end of the week, we feel good about saying they will leave better than when they came. For more information, please contact Visit for more info.

June 19 – June 22
8:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Kids’s Volleyball Camp at Bear Creek Church
For Children in 1st grade through 5th grade. We're focusing on the life of an athlete that needs to focus on fundamentals of the game. Summer camps are designed to build up the skills and development for each given sport highlighting fundamentals. Each day will consist of specific drills working on a skill needed to help train the athlete to mature in the next steps of the sport. We will have trained coaches who will work with them and help encourage them in their development. We will have games and competitions each day to have them work toward an objective and by the end of the week, we feel good about saying they will leave better than when they came. For more information, please contact Visit for more info.

June 26 – June 29
8:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Soccer Camp at Bear Creek Church
For Students from 1st to 5th grade. We're focusing on the life of an athlete that needs to focus on fundamentals of the game. Summer camps are designed to build up the skills and development for each given sport highlighting fundamentals. Each day will consist of specific drills working on a skill needed to help train the athlete to mature in the next steps of the sport. We will have trained coaches who will work with them and help encourage them in their development. We will have games and competitions each day to have them work toward an objective and by the end of the week, we feel good about saying they will leave better than when they came.  For more information, please contact Visit for more information.

July 10 – July 13
12:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Basketball Camp at Bear Creek Church
For children from 1st to 5th grade. We're focusing on the life of an athlete that needs to focus on fundamentals of the game. Summer camps are designed to build up the skills and development for each given sport highlighting fundamentals. Each day will consist of specific drills working on a skill needed to help train the athlete to mature in the next steps of the sport. We will have trained coaches who will work with them and help encourage them in their development. We will have games and competitions each day to have them work toward an objective and by the end of the week, we feel good about saying they will leave better than when they came. For more information, please contact Visit for more information.

Vortexic Martial Arts Summer Camp
Call for dates
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM (extended hours available)
Your kids will enjoy games, projects, outings, plus the life enriching skills of self-confidence, respect, self-control, and friendship. They will return to school with the skills to succeed and great memories of a fun summer camp they will never forget.


June 10 – June 14
9:00 AM – 2:30 PM
Summer Music Camp at Windwood Presbyterian Church
We invite your kids to join us at Windwood for a week of musical fun where they will learn and perform the musical GPS:God's Plan of Salvation. Camp will be the week of July 10th-14th from 9 am - 2:30 pm daily. We will close the week with a performance on the evening Friday, July 14th at 6 pm. Activities will include singing, drama, playing instruments, arts & crafts, and fun games. Kids will celebrate with a water day during the week of camp. Kids' Music Camp is for children who have completed grades Kindergarten through 6th. Spaces limited. Sign up fast! Once registered be on the lookout for camp details in your email.

June 12-16 | July 10-14 | August 7-11 – Gymnastics Camp
July 17-21 – Dance Camp
Half Day (ages 3-5): 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Full Day (ages 3+): 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Gymnastics and Dance Summer Camps at Republic Gymnastics

June 12 – August 10
Color Me Kids Summer Workshops
It’s time! Register now for Color Me Kids Summer Workshops! School will be out before you blink! Let us help you keep your kids active and engaged with creative fun! Our camp instructors have been hard at work planning and it’s shaping up to be a fantastic summer! Kids are sure to be inspired and have a blast!

June 17 – June 21
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Super-Hero Playhouse Full Day Creative Drama Camp at St. Aidans
Drama Kids, Young Rembrandts Art, and Hero Martial Arts Academy have combined to offer a full week of non-stop, action-packed SUPER HERO FUN! Creativity is sure to “take flight” as campers create and act out their own superhero characters, choose their imaginative superpowers, create amazing artwork, and display daring martial arts skills, as they adventure with other young superheroes!

June 19 – June 23
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Super-Hero Playhouse Full Day Creative Drama Camp at CyFair Music & Arts
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a ???? Girls & boys will find their inner super hero during this week of non-stop, action-packed fun for all! Creativity is sure to “take flight” as campers create their own superhero characters, imaginative super powers, super hero logos, masks, accessories, and adventures with other young super heroes! Imaginations will run wild as young playwrights use their creativity to develop great scenes – created, directed, and performed entirely by THEM!

June 19 – August 11
School of Rock Cypress Music Camps & Workshops
Do you want to learn how to play in a band or learn to write songs? School of Rock Cypress offers a wide variety of music camps and workshops that cover topics such as these. Our local music camps are perfect for musicians of any skill level who want to play guitar, bass, drums, keyboard and vocals. Click here for weekly camps -

June 21 – June 23
8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Broadway Bootcamp presented by Cy-Fair High School Theatre
Your Broadway Baby or Broadway Teen will learn a musical theatre number, short play, and basic theatre production skills. Register at

July 24 – August 4
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Old Woman in the Shoe Comedy Performance & Creative Drama at Fairfield Good shepherd UMC
In this 2-Week camp, campers will learn the art of comedic timing and developing strong characters as they learn and perform "The Old Woman in the Shoe" a short comedy based on the children's nursery rhyme. In addition to rehearsing the play, campers will have fun with improvisation, movement, skits, theatre games, and more. Camp concludes with an ONSTAGE PERFORMANCE Friday evening!

July 24 – August 4
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Mysterious Case of the Missing Ring Comedy Performance at Fairfield Good shepherd UMC
Campers will learn the art of comedic timing and developing strong and convincing characters as they learn and perform "The Mysterious Case of the Missing Ring", a hilarious mystery/comedy. In addition to rehearsing the play, campers will have fun with improv, comedy skits, and theatre games. Camp concludes with an ONSTAGE PERFORMANCE Friday evening!

June 26 – June 30
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Preschool Music Camp at Foundry Church on Fry Rd
Join us for a fun and purposeful week where we'll combine music and motion dramatically and creatively to learn about bit truth in a way that even the smalles can understand. A very special mini-production will be presented on the last day of camp, Friday at Noon for friends and family that you will not want to miss! Visit

July 10 – July 14
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Elementary Fine Arts Camp at Foundry Church on Jones Rd
We are pleased to present an incredible opportunity for your child to enjoy building skills in theater, music, creative writing, and dance. This week will feature costume and prop design, improv drama, science, and character development. Also, each day a Bible truth will be learned to help kids grow in their faith! Register at

July 10 – July 14
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Preschool Fine Arts Camp at Foundry Church on Jones Rd
Superheroes vs. Villians: We are pleased to present an incredible opportunity for your child to enjoy building skills in theater, music, creative writing, and dance. This week will feature costume and prop design, improv drama, science, and character development. Register at

July 17 – July 21
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Superhero Playhouse Creative Drama Camp at St. Aidan’s Episcopal
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a ???? Girls & boys will find their inner super hero during this week of non-stop, action-packed fun for all! Creativity is sure to “take flight” as campers create their own superhero characters, imaginative super powers, super hero logos, masks, accessories, and adventures with other young super heroes! Imaginations will run wild as young playwrights use their creativity to develop great scenes – created, directed, and performed entirely by THEM!

July 24 – August 4
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
The Old Woman in the Shoe Performance Comedy 2 week Camp (ages 5-7) at Fairfield Good Shepherd UMC
Campers will learn the art of comedic timing and developing strong characters as they learn and perform “The Old Woman in the Shoe”, a short comedic play based on the nursery rhyme. Campers will also have fun with dramatic improvisations, movement, skits, theatre games, and more. Camp concludes with an onstage performance Friday evening.

July 24 – August 4
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Mysterious Case of the Missing Ring – Comedy Performance at Fairfield Good Shepherd UMC
Campers will learn the art of comedic timing and developing strong and convincing characters as they learn and perform "The Mysterious Case of the Missing Ring", a hilarious mystery/comedy. In addition to rehearsing the play, campers will have fun with improv, comedy skits, and theatre games. Camp concludes with an onstage performance Friday evening!

August 7 – August 11
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Drama Kids: Adventureland Camp at St. Aidan’s Episcopal
Our young campers will explore new acting adventures each day as they visit new places like an African Safari and a Rainforest. Unleash the creative energy in your child and introduce them to the wonderful world of dramatic fun as only Drama Kids can deliver.

August 7 – August 11
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Super Hero Playhouse Full Day Creative Drama Camp at St. Aidans
Our young campers will explore new acting adventures each day as they visit new places like an African Safari and a Rainforest. Unleash the creative energy in your child and introduce them to the wonderful world of dramatic fun as only Drama Kids can deliver.


June 26 – June 30
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Elementary STEM Camp at Foundry Church on Fry Rd
Join Acton Academy Cy-Fair & The Foundry Church for another AWESOME summer of AMAZING, ENGAGING camps! For children that have completed Kindergarten through completed 5th grade. For more info and to register visit

June 26 – June 30
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Elementary STEM Camp at Foundry Church on Jones Rd
Join Acton Academy Cy-Fair & The Foundry Church for another AWESOME summer of AMAZING, ENGAGING camps! For children that have completed Kindergarten through completed 5th grade. For more info and to register visit


June 5 – July 28
6:30 AM – 6:30 PM
CFISD Summer Camp at Arnold Middle School
CFISD Summer Camp at Bleyl Middle School
Activities may include sports and indoor games, STEM challenges, arts & crafts, field trips, and exclusive on-site programs.

June 5 – June 9
9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Preschool Camp at The MET Church
Join us for a week-long Preschool Camp that will be sure to tickle the taste buds of your little ones! We invite children aged 2 years old up to entering kindergarten to join us for an exciting time of cooking, crafting, games, and Bible lessons. Visit for more information and registration.

June 5 – August 11
Houston Arboretum
Ages 4-12
Register your kids for our fun-filled, week-long camps that explore the natural world through active, hands-on indoor and outdoor adventures at this 155-acre nature sanctuary.

Wednesday nights in June & July beginning June 7
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Summer Blast 2023 at Calvary Community Church
Are you looking for something fun to do this summer? Then join us each Wednesday night for a special themed lesson followed by games, activities, snacks and prizes! Summer Blast is open to kids who have completed kindergarten through 5th grade. Please complete a registration form for each child participating. We look forward to seeing you this summer!

June 12 – 16 | June 19 – 23
July 10 – July 14 | July 17 – July 21
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM (before & after school available)
Camp Captivate at Spillane Middle School
Secure your spot for one of our CFISD specialty camps for students in grades K-8. Camp topics include Technology, Arts & Crafts, STEAM, Drama, Science, Legos, cooking, Sports, and so much more!

June 10 – August 25
9:00 AM – 3:30 PM
Camp Cypress at Cypress Academy (Multiple Locations)
Each of these weeks will be filled with exciting activities such as open gym, splash days, games, and challenges. You don’t want to miss out! Click on your preferred week to sign up.

June 11 – August 4
9:00 AM – 2:30 PM (extended care available)
Summer Adventure Camp at Windwood Presbyterian Church
The Adventure Summer Program offers flexible schedules and fun activities for children 2 years old through 5th grade. Elementary-aged campers will enjoy themed-weeks with enriching field trips and activities.

June 26 – June 30
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Preschool Mission Control Space Camp at Foundry Church on Jones Rd
Mission Control Space Camp will be a wonderful week for preschoolers to have an “out of this world” experience with God! They will learn about space and how God made everything vast and wonderful and yet loves each one of us. They will travel to different times in the Bible and learn the truths of God’s word. Visit

July 17 - 21 
8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Day Camp at Covenant Lutheran on Barker Cypress
Join us for a FUN week of Day Camp at Covenant Lutheran Church, 2901 Barker Cypress, on July 17-21 from 8:30 am - 3:00 pm, led by the awesome counselors from Camp Lutherhill in LaGrange, TX! Cost is only $60 for the week ($40 for additional siblings). It will be a week of singing, crafts, games, Bible study and FUN! Two snacks per day will be provided; campers only need to bring their lunch. REGISTER TODAY at Space is limited!

July 24 – July 27
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Adventure Week at Bear Creek Church
For students from 1st to 12th grade. Classes will be taught as Introduction classes to each of the skills listed per day. Each child and student will be able to pick two skills each day from the schedule below. Kids will enjoy Cornhole, Photography/Videography, Cosmetology, Golf, Culinary, Dance, Tae Kwon Do, Music and Art, Tennis, Voice, and more! For more information, please contact Visit for more information and registration.

July 31 – August 2
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
HCSO PAL & HCESD48 Youth Camp
This camp will allow high school students aged 14-18 to experience police and firefighter training techniques and learn what they do on a day to day basis. Lunch provided. Youth must expect to do physical activities. To apply send an email to Visit

If you would like to add your VBS or Summer Camp to this listing, please email We will review and notify you if it will be added. Thank you!

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