Harris County Public Library Free Internet Service Extended
n an unexpected, but welcome, development, Harris County Public Library (HCPL) and T-Mobile will continue to provide free internet connections for the thousands of Harris County residents who received WiFi hotspots and Laptop Computers through the library's HCPL Connected initiative.
Under its original agreement with T-Mobile, the library previously announced that free internet service would end on December 31, 2023.
At this time, an end date for extended free service has not been set. The library will announce the end of service when that information becomes available.
If you already enrolled in ACP
The library realizes that some users will have already enrolled in the Affordable Connectivity Program to avoid interruption of internet service. The library may be able to assist you with this issue.
If you received an HCPL Connected WiFi Hotspot or Laptop and have already enrolled in the Affordable Connectivity Program, please email the following information to webmaster@hcpl.net:
- Full name
- Email address
Phone number associated with your WiFi Hotspot or Laptop
About HCPL Connected & The Affordable Connectivity Program
T-Mobile WiFi Hotspots were distributed by HCPL branches and community partner organizations in 2022 and 2023. The free internet service was originally scheduled to end in late 2022 but was extended for all of 2023.
At that time, HCPL recommended users enroll in the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) through Harris County Universal Services. The ACP offers discounted internet service to eligible Harris County residents. All Harris County residents who qualify can enroll in the ACP, not just those who received hotspots or laptops. Learn more about the Affordable Connectivity Program.
Source: HCPL