Spring ISD After-School Program Gets National Spotlight from U.S. Department of Education
An innovative after-school and family engagement program in Spring ISD is being spotlighted by the United States Department of Education.
The 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) program received a Best Practices in Programming spotlight from the Department of Education, the only such program to receive the recognition in the state of Texas.
“[This program] shares how 21st CCLC Programs can help generate positive student outcomes through equity, well-being, leadership, opportunities, and engagement,” the Department of Education stated on its website. “Spring ISD is making a difference in the lives of Texas youth every day.”
The purpose of the program is to improve student achievement in reading, language arts, math, and science, as well as to improve student attendance, decrease student disciplinary issues, and increase parental engagement through after-school activities and programming.
“This is an honor for our 21st CCLC program, as well as our district,” said program director Carla Jones Wiley. “This honor shows what can happen when a school district is committed to providing scholars with research-based instructional strategies, high-quality instructional materials, and high-impact tutoring while continuously engaging our parents.”
Spring ISD first received funding in 2016. In 2021, the district was awarded $8.5 million in grant funding from the Texas Education Agency to continue the program. It is now available to any student at 10 elementary and middle school campuses across the district: Bammel Elementary, Clark Elementary, Eickenroht Elementary, Hoyland Elementary, Jenkins Elementary, Major Elementary, Salyers Elementary, Bailey Middle, the School for International Studies at Bammel, and Claughton Middle schools.
Jones Wiley believes the program is a vital part of Spring ISD’s future development and growth.
“Our intentional holistic approach affords us the opportunity to have a data-driven laser-like focus on student academic outcomes,” Jones Wiley said. “Our collaborative approach facilitates the provision of equitable opportunities for our scholars and equips and empowers our parents to be informed partners in their child's education.”
More information on the program can be found on the Spring ISD website.
Source: Spring ISD