Spring Exhibitions Open February 4 at The Pearl Fincher Museum of Fine Arts
The Pearl Fincher Museum of Fine Arts is delighted to announce its 2023 Spring Exhibitions, which open to the public on Saturday, February 4.

American photographer Mark Burns was born in Houston and creates compelling images that are a unique mastery of composition, lighting, and photographic technique. In October 2015 he completed a five year project photographing all 59 of America’s national parks in black and white. “The National Parks Photography Project” traveled to six museums the following year, including the Pearl, with a combined attendance of nearly 300,000 people.
“America’s Western Landscape” will be featured in the Main Gallery of the Pearl from February 4 through May 13, 2023. The exhibition also features an optional audio guide accessible via smartphones.
In the Cole Gallery, the Pearl will feature “Hidden Beauty in the Ordinary,” with a dozen works by artist Lindy Chambers. Chambers paints rural scenes of life in the Texas countryside where she lives. By simply paying attention, she observes often overlooked aspects of life to discover beauty in mobile homes, stray dogs, and piles of trash.

About the Pearl
The Pearl Fincher Museum of Fine Arts exists to provide direct, first-hand access to original works of art, and to offer outstanding educational and public programming. As the only Fine Arts museum in Harris County outside the city center of Houston, the Pearl operates completely through the generous donations of individuals, businesses and foundations from the greater Houston community, and is free to all.
Located at 6815 Cypresswood Drive in Spring, the Pearl Fincher Museum of Fine Arts is open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Admission is free. Donations and membership support are appreciated and help continue the Pearl’s mission of art, education, and community.
For more information, please visit www.pearlmfa.org or call 281-376-6322.