Reach Unlimited Expresses Donor Appreciation Following Reach for the Stars Luncheon
By Patricia Swagerty, Cy-Fair Women's Club

About Reach Unlimited
Reach Unlimited was founded as a 501(c)3 on September 23, 1983. The Blair Inez Scianna Learning Center was added in January 2005. Reach believes that individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities deserve to live a life full of joy, purpose, and accomplishment in a safe and caring environment.
Reach provides the most comprehensive programs and services for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the greater Houston northwest or northwest Harris county. The staff to member ratio is 1:5 at the Learning Activity Center and 1:3 in the group homes. Reach’s programs are provided under the principles of Live, Learn, and Earn.
Live includes the Home and Community-based services (HCS) and Residential program (ICF-IDD). Reach serves 140 clients in the HCS program and 41 clients live in ICF-IDD group homes.
Learn includes the afterschool program, comprehensive day program, community service, continuing education, life skills, personal development, recreation, and more. Reach currently is serving nearly 300 clients annually with additional people on the waiting list.
Earn includes supported employment, vocational development, and Enterprise (on-site work, work contracts, and the teaching Greenhouse). Reach is currently supporting 52 clients in their jobs in the community.
To learn more and donate to Reach Unlimited, go to www.reachunlimited.org.