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Patriotic Holidays & Flags

Patriotic Holidays & Flags

July 06 2023

Many homeowners have flags that they fly in front of their house. The American Flag is a symbol of our country and should be handled carefully and appropriately. Here are just a few guidelines for flying the American flag:
  • Never let the flag touch the ground
  • Never have another flag above the American flag.
  • Never fly the flag if it is torn or faded. They should be disposed of properly and the preferred method it to burn it. Since that might be difficult to do at home you can drop it off at a place that will dispose of them for you. The Ace Hardware on Jones Road has a bin right inside their door. And the VFW on 290 also takes them.
  • Flags are generally flown from sunrise to sunset. However if you want to fly your flag 24/7 you can do that if you have a spotlight on it after dark.
Woodrow Wilson once said in part “…the flag is the embodiment, not of sentiment, but of history.”  Treat it with the respect that our history as a nation deserves.

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